How old were you when you stopped calling people of your age “boys” or “girls”? Or do you still do so?

  1. I still do in my first language. The girls in my closest friend group are 32-45 and boys are 36-47 🤣

    In english, I guess I use girls and guys? Only because there isn’t a female form of guys and saying “men and women” sounds too formal for me.

  2. I’ll only do it now during a work meeting if people won’t stop talking, you’d be surprised how quickly an “alright boys and girls let’s settle down” with a hand clap gets people to be quiet lol

  3. Lol I still do it in some context. Mostly because I don’t want to admit my youth is slowly disintegrating like a forgotten biscuit in the wind

  4. My sister still asks me about “boys”. We’re 26 and 29. I usually say men or guys.

  5. I’m in my mid 30s and if I were referring to one of/a group of my friends to someone else I’d say “one of/the girls”. I don’t say boys as much but that’s because locally we just have a different word for it. It wouldn’t feel natural to me to say “the women/the men” about a group I know. If I am speaking in generalities about a gender I will say women or men where appropriate though

  6. 18-20

    When I was 20 years old, my mother asked me if l “did ugly things with boys”.

    I simply have no words

  7. My closest friends can always be boys and girls. I know them too well to think them adults. Everybody else deserves to be respected as an adult until proven otherwise.

  8. Around when I graduated from college. I noticed super quickly that “girl/s” was often used to refer to women at my workplace, while men were always just called men. I hated it so made a point to never use girl when referring to an adult woman.

  9. Speaking in general, probably by age 20. Speaking of my particular friends, I really still haven’t (I’m 51).

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