Sorry in advance about formatting, I’m on mobile.

I 22(M) have started a fairly odd relationship with a woman 19(F) and I really don’t know what to do. During the previous semester I caught eyes for a girl in one of my classes and progressively started talking to her and flirting with her. We really connected well and began spending time together after class, talking and getting food. We had a mutual understanding of being interested in one another and went on a date at her local coffee shop talking and playing chess. The night ended back at her place where we talked for about 12 hours becoming more comfortable with each other. We started cuddling and making out and nothing really passed that point. During our conversation we talked about what we’re both looking for in terms of relationships. I have been single since January after a 2 year long relationship. She has been single for only a few months after a relatively long relationship. We both agreed we’re just going with the flow and are not exactly looking for anything monogamous.

Fast forward a few weeks, and, man did I really catch the bug bad for this woman. The previous night we spent the entire day together again which almost led to us sleeping with each other. We didn’t, I communicated with her that I felt too nervous and on top of that I had work in about 2 hours, knowing me, I would miss my shift. For any dudes reading, you know that pit you get in your stomach when you’re with someone who blows you away to the point of forgetting how to function, it’s like a cramp, that happened. That has never happened to me before with any other woman. This felt different and it’s a scary fucking feeling. We hung out again tonight and it was the same routine of conversation, cuddling, and some making out, she left and all is well but now we get to the issue at hand.

I’m fairly confident she’s still sleeping with other people, that’s fine, we talked about this initially. But I have come to realize I really like this woman, I want to be in a committed relationship with her. However I know she doesn’t feel the same way. She tells me that she knew from the beginning she was going to be interested in me and that she felt comfortable with me much faster than any other partner. She doesn’t tell me that she’s sleeping with other people but the woman is always on the move hanging out with friends both men and women left and right. I like to think of myself as a mature man and so, I don’t let this bother me. We agreed to always have open communication about our relationship and right now I’m lacking because of the fear of hearing the truth, that she’s not ready for anything committed or monogamous.

I know the simplest answer is the correct one. To tell her how I feel as it will have the best outcome in the end regardless of it hurting. But I don’t want to lose what I have right now. I don’t want to express my feelings only for her to not fully reciprocate and decide that it’s better we stop. I love what we have and although I might want more, I know I can’t have it. It’s a crushing feeling. I’m thinking I’ll give it some more time before fully opening up about how I feel.

Thank you to whoever reads, I just need somewhere to not feel as trapped as I do now.

Tldr; I developed feelings for a woman who is not interested in commitment. As a result I feel conflicted on how to approach the situation.

1 comment
  1. Hi mate
    If a girl wants a guy she goes all out to get him, so anything less means she will not be someone you should have serious intentions for. Sorry I know this is brutal but truth is something you can’t escape.

    Even if she did become serious,in the medium to long term you’d harbour doubts.

    One day you will meet a girl who cannot be without you, although something to perhaps work on is your confidence and assertiveness as women are attracted to men like this as it informs them
    the guy would be a confident husband and father too, would stand up for them and not be pushed around by outsiders.

    Masculine confidence is also intoxicating to women.

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