Good evening everyone !

I was thinking about the dating world we have nowdays and wanted to share my thoughts about that.

Here’s what I think: Today, building relationship is sell as something very easy, thanks to social media and dating apps, you can build communities and sharing your thoughts with everyone.

But, there is a trap, everything feel so… Disconnected, we are connected between each other and can talk with everyone but we never felt so insecure about ourselves and lonely

Everywhere I look, everywhere I listen, people tend to be obsessed with one thing: relationship and sex but people seems to be always like “wait, what should I do ?” Or “I don’t want to be hurted by someone else” wich is understandable, no one wants to get hurts

But here is the thing, I feel like that people don’t realize that they have to take care of their emotions, and they are using sex to just… Escape to their own demons.

My friends (guys) seems obsessed about that, this hookup culture, having sex with the hotter women or banging with anyone if their relationship fails

But, I’ve also see that with a lot of women actually, they are cool, very talkative but seems obsessed to have sex with this guy because he is tall, hot or they want to have sex to forget about their last relationship.

So here is what I believe: people are only seeking for the sex because they think that’s the only thing which give them gratification from others, since love looks more hurtful than a physical pleasure

What are your thoughts about that ? I’ll be glad to read your opinion

1 comment
  1. Here’s the thing. I (32m) decided to flip the script. I matched with this girl on a South Asian dating app. We texted the whole day when we matched. There was no, “how long should I wait to text,” “why isn’t she texting back” etc. That was a Saturday. The following Monday, I told her I wanted to call her because I actually despised texting. Our first conversation on the phone was both fun, but deep. It was probably the most eye opening thing. We made plans to speak again. On our third conversation, I said, “here’s all the good things about me, and here’s all the bad.” I’m telling you up front what makes me good and what is icky about me (I’m not saying toxic because I don’t think that I am, but I’m sure some would disagree). She told me hers. Our first date was a bit of a dud, but because we had such great talks already, we met for a second and that’s when everything heated up. She’s now my girlfriend and told me that if I asked her tomorrow, she’d agree to marry me.

    I wish people just dropped any facade. Choice is an illusion. When she and I started talking, I was talking to about 4 other women, but because we had such great chemistry, I put the others on pause. Could I think, “oh that girl was cuter and if I’m single tomorrow, I could get someone like that?” Sure, but truth is, I wouldn’t because people are all different. When you find someone who is giving you an inkling that you connect well, try to focus on that person.

    I’m just rambling at this point so if this helped, great. If there are any criticisms, I’d love to hear them.

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