I went out with some random guy i meet .
At the very first date we made out.. we talked continuously by texts vedio calls, and he asked me out again,
On our 2nd date we had $ex, and tbh, it was the best I’ve ever had..
And the 3rd one was just coffee, and we did nothing, we just sat there and talked for hours..
Now we’re both busy with our families,, so we dont meet or talk that much, earlier today we were chatting he asked to go out again, but he clearly suggested going to his place or to some hotel ..
And he keeps talking about how much he miss my body and stuff..
The problem is that Im looking for a serious relationship..not a hookup or some random friends with benefits stuff..
How can i make sure that I’m seeing the right person? And it feels sus, that we just went out for a couple times or 3..
I dont know what to do.. and i cant think straight..
Ps. 7 months ago i ended my 5 year old relationship+2 months engagement..
Thats why i cant think straight..
Help please

  1. Sounds like your on a rebound. You could just enjoy the sex?

    Or you could have a conversation about the fact that you like him (because it sounds like you do) and you want XZY from him.

    I’m not sure what exactly you want from him from your post. Because you can want a relationship but in the intern want sex. And you could realize hey this guy is cool and I’d like to explore things further and i wonder if he’s want to explore things further with me.

  2. You could explain that you want something serious and that you want to slow down, if he stops talking to you he isn’t interested in anything serious

  3. Why don’t you just tell him what you are looking for and ask if he is interested in the same or just looking for a hook up?

  4. Just don’t have sex until you are in a committed relationship. You avoid this problem this way. Toxic hookup culture sucks and leaves people feeling like this and feeling used all the time. 🙁

  5. Have a conversation about what he’s looking for. Keep having sex with him if he’s that great in bed. If it turns into something more then great but if he doesn’t want anything serious you can still have sex with him while going in dates with others

  6. You can have sex right away and also have a serious relationship, that’s most of my relationships, you just keep hanging out and keep having sex, and see how you guys work together and if you see a future together. You’d have to do that anyway to see if someone is right for you. Just cus you date someone who wants a relationship, doesn’t mean they are a right match for you. My current bf wasn’t looking for a gf, but I was looking for a relationship, but we clicked and he said, I didn’t know I was going to meet you. And we’re together now.

  7. I would watch out with that.
    If guys think you’re easy they will take advantage of that to get easy sex but they will not respect you enough for a relationship. That’s how some men sadly think.
    Therefor, I’m expecting a man to put in some effort before he gets anywhere near my bedroom.
    At your age hooking up is still quite normal though, so not all this may apply to your situation and there will surely be exceptions.
    This is however what I learned as a 37 year old woman who is back in the dating arena.

    Good luck.
    Stay safe and enjoy yourself.


  8. You screwed the pooch by having sex that early and easily. If you want a relationship then you need to hold off on sex. Advice is to tell him no more sex without firm committment.

  9. I would suggest discussing what you each want in this current relationship (in both short term and a long term). See what works for both of you and hopefully things might work out; but If the person is solely focus on your legs and thighs, send them to KFC.

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