Its not something I ever associated with the UK before moving here, but now it’s basically the only way to end a conversation or get people moving! Is English becoming a tonal language?

  1. I can’t say I know what you mean at all. I’ve lived in the UK all my life, but I don’t think I’ve heard someone do that!

  2. “Is English becoming a tonal language?” I think it always has been, much more so than French for example. You can affect the meaning of a sentence just by changing the way in which it is said. Take the phrase “what are you eating?” for example. Depending on the tone it’s either a simple question or an implication you are eating something disgusting

  3. Never heard of that in my life. I do know BYE BYE bye bye byebyebyebye to end a phonecall but it’s just said in a normal tone.

  4. OP I’ve heard plenty of people do this frequently. The people saying they’ve never heard this in their life must not interact with many people.

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