What happens when you find out that it’s all a trap and that you’re just a pawn in someone else’s game why do they make us sick and then give us a box to hide in so we don’t disturb the box they put us in what part of the narrative am I playing out what piece am I? Why do we send the poor why do we keep playing along? What if we all stop playing what if all you know isn’t true but twisted

1 comment
  1. I conceptualise the box like a game, that makes it a bit easier.
    First you realise you’re in the box, then you learn the rules, and then you experiment how you can break the rules without destroying the box more than necessary.
    The box will always heal, even though you break it completely.
    The more you break it, the less the feeling of being trapped will be present when you realise it.

    It is a bit of a paradox too. Being in it, I want to break free from it, and being free of it, I want to engage with it.

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