I (19F) like this guy (19M) who is my junior in college. I find him pretty cute, sensible, smart and nice. I have talked properly to him in person for an hour 2 times, out of which one time it was very fun, second time (5 – 6 days ago) we were both tired but still it was nice. I haven’t known him for a long time, but I like him, so is it a good idea to ask him out when I meet him the next time? Or should I wait for more interactions? What is more appropriate?

If I ask him out and he says yes, what are some good date ideas which can make a guy feel appreciated, and so that we could spend a good time together?

This is the first time I am taking the initiative to ask someone out, so I want to take decisions after thinking carefully.

Till now our relationship has been more of a friendship where I have been telling him about college stuff and how to prepare for internships etc.

1 comment
  1. If you know you’re interested in him, let him know next time you see him so he knows what’s up.

    Anything past that is you overthinking it. If this guy is into you, that’s all that matters. You don’t have to make it memorable or make him feel appreciated, just enjoy some time together. That’s all.

    >This is the first time I am taking the initiative to ask someone out, so I want to take decisions after thinking carefully.

    There’s a common phrase used in sports coaching. “Think long, think wrong”. This is the BIGGEST pitfall ppl do in dating is get way too much into their heads about what to do and preplan stuff. Dating doesn’t take this much though and it’s all about action.

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