My bf and I are both in our 20s.

Tbh I feel like I have set the bar too high and now it sucks. I don’t really ask for anything sexually, and let him do whatever he wants whenever he wants. I haven’t turned him down in years, even when I’m wounded lol.

Anyways. So here are my issues

1) My sex drive is ridiculous. I definitely have some type of hormonal problem. His is normal, but he always wants sex at 3-4am. I’m constantly horny, so I always agree, but it’s very annoying and I would like to have sex at a normal time, but I can’t turn him down so he doesn’t really have any reason to listen to me

2) He doesn’t give me head. This is kind of my fault because it used to freak me out but now I want to try AGAIN and he’s like not down to do that which I feel like is mean bc I constantly give him head whenever he wants

3) I don’t let him finish in my mouth and I feel really guilty about that, so that is also why I let him do whatever else he wants whenever

4) he doesn’t like it when I get high/drunk before we have sex which is kind of annoying bc it makes me a lot calmer.

idk what to do

  1. Tell him I’ll let you finish in my mouth if can’t rip a shot of patron and smoke a bone.

    If not that then just tell him shops closed between 3-4 a and doesn’t open until you eat my pussy.

    Just tell him what it is you need to be fucked at this time and you want your pussy eating or your gonna smack his bitch ass.

  2. As for timing, there are two of you… if you want sex at a different time there is little stopping you from initiating it, I’m sure he won’t say no. Otherwise you just need to let him know that all the middle of the night sex has been making you tired, and “make it up to him” in the morning.

    Just let him know you want to revisit a few things that you feel ready to try again starting with him going down on you. If he’s interested in your pleasure then he should go down on you faster than you can say Simon Says…

    As for you swallowing, you don’t need to feel guilty about that. If you feel like you want to give it a go then in the spirit of trying things again there’s nothing stopping you from giving it a go but if you don’t like it then you don’t like it, just make a show of telling him where you want him to cum and that you want him to cum loads.

    For the drunk/high thing, you’re probably not going to find a way around that except to get drunk and/or high and more, see if he’ll come around in time.

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