We have been dating for nearly a decade, and I have easily been the spouse out of all three of their kids who has been here the longest.

For the most part, they seem accepting of their son being gay. But other times, I think maybe they aren’t.

For instance – something that weirdly hurts my feelings is you will find photos of everyone else on their social media but us. His sisters been dating a guy for like 3 months and he’s already on there and they comment on his stuff.

I have been trying. I bake them cakes, have them for parties, brought them to my house in Florida, bought all their gifts, etc.

I know material stuff shouldn’t matter but you do those things in the beginning you know?

Well – my fiancée proposed this year and of course we did the whole photoshoot. Well I posted one online and my whole family was overjoyed but not a peep out of my in laws.

In fact, my fiancées second cousins husband posted a baby shower and they commented such wonderful things. I feel like an engagement and a baby shower are quite equal in importance. It really hurt my feelings.

I think his mom may have been upset because I guess my fiancé didn’t say he was proposing. But he also has high functioning autism. He will tell you he’s bad at social things.

I still think it was rude she did not say anything to me. I had no idea he was proposing,

Am I crazy? Or is this a sign of something else happening behind the scenes?

TLDR: Long term boyfriend proposed. We’re gay. Dating for a decade. My in laws didn’t say congrats or anything yet comment on his other spouses life events.

  1. Yeah, it’s fair to feel left out. But you can’t make them be excited or care so I would just lean on your fiance but maybe don’t bring it up to them.

  2. >I think his mom may have been upset because I guess my fiancé didn’t say he was proposing.

    Her shoddy behavior pre-dates the proposal…so I know it’s tempting to try to hang the explanation on this reason, but they’ve been treating you as less than since before this.

    It’s shitty. But I would actually feel more upset for my partner. *Your* family is overjoyed; *his* family is meh. I would be sad for *him*. You know where you stand. You two are your own family and you know who loves and supports you. Give those folks your energy.

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