I’m M23 and been Masturbating since like 12 and over the time it got more frequent, like 5 times a week and all the time i thought that’s normal.
Now I’m in a distant relationship since a year and it works perfectly good.
But whenever we have Sex i have a really hard time reaching orgasm and sometimes just give up on it entirely and wake up next day having blue balls.
It’s not like i don’t enjoy it or find her unattractive, but more like sex feels so much more different than a quick Masturbation which im used to, that i just can’t reach that last one point.

Did anyone had the same experience? I’m currently trying not to masturbate when I’m alone ( I visit her like every 1-2 months for about a week, since I’m working)
But it is getting frustrating, almost torturing really.
If it would help making OUR sex life better i would keep trying. Any other thoughts about this, would help.

  1. Yes it does. Cut out porn completely and limit masturbation. It’ll get way better afterwards l.

  2. Yup. You’re training your body to enjoy a specific stimulus and action. Over a period of time, having penetrative sex will feel good and different… But it’s not what you’re used to in order to reach a climax.
    It’s easy enough to fix. Just cut back. You’ll start reacting better to sex.

  3. Masturbation is normal, but frequent masturbation even with a soft grip can still fuck with your sensitivity. Not in a way that you’re killing your penis, you’re just conditioning yourself to a certain motion that can’t really be replicated through vaginal sex.

    You just gotta cut the masturbation about a week or two out before any planned meets with your girlfriend and you’ll be fine.

  4. Yes it does massively, it desensitises sex to an extent where you only get off to porn, it can become an addiction and need to cut it back as much as you can, it only gets worse if not 😔

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