I have no genetic family history of premature grey. I believe it’s stress, but researchers claim there’s no correlation between stress and greying hair follicles. I’m confused. What’s your experience?

  1. I do have a few gray hairs. Maybe a couple dozen. First noticed ’em at age 47.

    (Sorry, when your hairline has receded as far as mine has you take your victories where you can. I may not have much hair, but it’s (mostly) dark!)

  2. I’ve got a little grey on top and plenty at the temples.

    I started getting 1 or 2 hairs here and there around age 26-27.

    We are lucky that grey hair on men is often seen as attractive distinguished.

  3. 36, beard is almost entirely grey at this point. Grey streak in my hair and some sporadic grey in the beard started in my early 20s though.

    Still have a full head of hair and can grow a robust beard though. 🙂

  4. My first one appeared when i was 25 or 26 i think. I’m 32 and have plenty more, but not a lot. I’m on sexy territory now. Salt and pepper.

  5. My first showed up at 29 and it’s still the only one I have. I will be fully grey by my late 50s if my dad is any indication

  6. I’m 37 years old, not a grey hair on my head. I decided to grow a beard for the first time in my life and BAM! Grey hairs all through my beard.

  7. You’ll eventually get grey pubes.

    My first white hair appeared at 10, although now my hair is not white, but a 50% shade of grey. Beard got white before than my head – mo is still dark though. Chest hair got white in my 30s. The most recent new patch of white hair (in my 40s) is in my forearms.

  8. I got to about 25 relatively unscathed then BOOM with every passing year since (I’m now 33) it had been steadily more & more. At first it bothered me but now I’m embracing my greying hair. To the point where I actually like it now.

  9. I’m 20 and I have grey hair. I don’t think its a sign of unhealthy, but rather genetics. My father only has grey/white hair.

  10. Sure do, they started showing up around the same age. I don’t really mind, they look pretty cool and distinguished. Also in my experience, it seems as though my hairs didn’t just selectively turn gray, but my hair in general is less…vivid.

  11. Jim Jarmusch was fully white-haired by 20. I’d lost 90% of my hair by 19. No such thing as “prematurely” when it comes to hair. People are different, and sometimes your body does weird things you didn’t want or expect it to. Then you learn to live it with and move on with your life, because it’s just hair and it doesn’t actually matter.

    But yeah, I have spattered greys in my beard. And a couple of red hairs as well, for god knows what reason. If I found a bright blue hair one day I’m not sure I’d be all that surprised. Shit’s weird.

  12. I started getting grey hairs when I was like 25. At the time, I would dye my hair, so it wasn’t an issue. Now I cut my hair a lot shorter, so I have to get it cut every two or three weeks. So I stopped dying it because since I cut my hair so short, it grows back really fast and it looks weird with grey roots. So I just let it be natural now. I actually don’t mind. I think I actually look better with some grey, like a poor-man’s Clooney. Plus, I’m not balding and I don’t have a beer gut like most my friends that are my age.

  13. I went totally Gray over a period of less than year right around my 42 birthday. I now have totally white hair.


  14. 29 is not premature grey hair. I noticed my first grey hair at 23. I’m almost 33 now and I’ve got them all in my hair, and now I’m even noticing a few in my goatee. It’s normal. Be thankful you have hair.

  15. 25 is when I first noticed it, I’m 26 now and there’s definitely a few more than before

  16. I have a ton of gray hairs – actually white and I’m only 31. To add on to that, I am also going bald. I’ll probably just end up shaving my head eventually. It could always be worse.

    Also – most girls don’t care about gray hair from what I’ve noticed. Make sure to hit the gym and stay confident!

  17. Not yet (I’m 51). My wife hates me for it.

    I’ve met teenagers with salt-and-pepper hair, though. When your hair goes grey depends very much on your genetics.

    Don’t sweat it. I find grey hair looks good on most men (even on many women).

  18. I wouldn’t say having grey hair at 29 is even the least bit premature. Most of the guys I know in their late twenties have grey in their hair.

  19. Sometimes they look grey in certain light, I thought the same thing about your age but was false alarm once I picked them out. 36 now and no new grew in.

  20. Got my first around 18. That being said, my dad was mostly grey by 30, I’m in my mid-30’s and just have some grey around the temples that my wife likes to point out by telling me I look “distinguished” today.

  21. 30 here. I started noticing them in my mid 20s. I had about 4 to 6 for the longest time, but then they started popping up like crazy on the sides and back of my head. I now have well over 100 at least. The good thing is, I’m not balding or receding at all as far as I can tell, so there is that. That’s not something any of my friends can say.

  22. Started going grey when I was 16, mostly grey now. At 25my chest hair and pubes started to grey, at 28 my beard finally started to grey too. Now that I’m thirty my eyebrows and eyelashes have started to grey.

    I’ve accepted that my body won’t be happy until I’m a fucking albino.

  23. I’m 26 and I’ve got growing grey patches in my beard and the sides of my head. Quite noticeable.

    I assume it’s an omen and I am doomed. My girlfriend is way into it though. I’ve gotten a few compliments specifically on my grey from a few other girls.

    Whatever tickles your pickles, ladies!

  24. I’ll tell you what a buddy said.


    I don’t care what color it is, as long as it stays on my head!

  25. I’ve had grey hairs since I was 24. I’m 37 now. For the first few years I used to colour them out, but I haven’t for close to 10 years now. With my hair at least, the process has been slow, and I still really don’t have a salt and pepper look. Most people are surprised I have grey hairs, they just think my hair is shiny.

  26. i have always had gray hair that is under my normal color hair. it is like a second shorter coat that you can really only see when my hair is cut. i have started graying at my temples in the last year or so though. I am 34 now.

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