Hello you guys, so I’m a college student and like most people, i love women. I always kept them on a pedestal and still do but this always made it difficult to talk to them.

So there is this girl that i always see on campus and i find her very attractive. At first, it was just another attractive girl i saw and went about my day/life. But its obvious that i keep seeing her everyday and i always think to myself i wish i could talk to her.

(Backstory) I deal with some low self-esteem/anxiety/depression stuff like most guys my age do. As the days goes by i keep on hoping that i’d get out of that rut and actually start living but life doesnt work that way. You have to do something about it.

But recently i found myself getting super bored, like i would start doing crazy/ slightly illegal stuff just to feel something or get an adrenaline rush. Subconsciously i was stepping out of my comfort zone because of the boredom. This made me become a bit more “gutsy”, like i want to do stuff now. Im still scared most of the time but you feel great after.

(Back to the girl) i told myself that the next time i’d see that girl, i will go talk to her even though my english is terrible, and not my first language. Like i said in the title, that conversation was utterly awful and i made a terrible first impression.

However i feel great that i actually did it because now i know what i should improve on. Of course im kinda pissed that i ruined my opportunity with that girl but it does not matter because theres plenty and i love them all.

Y’all just do it, whatever it is. It will most probably go wrong the first times but you’ll feel great. There will be more opportunities and you’ll have experience now.
Also, if you’ve never stepped out of your comfort zone, it will be very hard for you the first time. If you go through that mental barrier, things start to get good.

1 comment
  1. What you are wrong in is believing that you ruined your relationship with that women. But I can imagine many ways that it had went down. I remember talking to some lady and honestly she just couldn’t hear me, and when I did speak up…I got brain fog after every main advancement into the point I was getting to was said. The conversation went absolutely no where, AND I SPEAK ENGLISH AS MY 1ST…. Dear god, maybe I’m secretly german, or stupid.

    Good on you for trying this out, also remember that there are others things that get you adrenaline and excitement. But only you can choose the ways of this, I can’t do it for you. You can change anything, you could easily find a high paying job in the airlines, they are waiting for hiring and you do not need a bachelors. Its 24 dollars an hour. They pay for everything so you don’t spend much not that you have to worry once you get 20-30 dollars an hour. And I believe the pilot gets 700 dollar daily paychecks incase you have the hankering to join the flight training requirements.

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