My friend is experiencing grief about her career (the same one I’m in) We’ve been in the same career path for a decade. It’s how we met.

I have found great success due to various factors (no partner so I can travel with no worry, supportive parents, a no-shame-go-getter attitude, and getting myself in the right rooms and meeting the right people, not taking no for an answer).

She has had a harder time because of other factors (disapproving parents, long term partner, relying on a more traditional 9-5 job whilst trying to go for our dream job on the side, a bit shyer).

We are both equally as skilled. I just have had difference circumstances that have helped me thrive and she hasn’t.

She broke down crying to me the other day (she’s done this every once in a while during the past decade). Her perceived failure is hurting her. But she LOVES this industry. And I feel like I can’t celebrate my accomplishments with her. I’m at a loss of how to proceed here. I don’t know what to say or do to help her. Maybe there is nothing I can do. But I feel so helpless. She is equally deserving of a place in this industry but she has these circumstances in her way. Is there anything I should/can do?

TLDR: My friend and I are in the same industry but I have way more success and she feels like a failure and I don’t know how to proceed/help.

  1. Can you mentor her or help her have more success in your field? Reccommend her for a position? Send some cliebts to her?

    For your accomplishments, celebrating them with other friends rather than with jer makes the most sense.

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