Besides your main 9-5 job, what other ways are you bringing in extra income?

  1. Sell plasma, income investing, options trading, occasionally I do event security that I get paid under the table for.

    Mostly I’ve been reducing my spending as it had gotten out of control, especially around food. It amazing how much food you can get for $70 if you plan

  2. A friend of mine is struggling financially while im doing decent. He doesnt accept hand outs.

    He is decent at massaging people so me and other friends told him we would buy massages from him. We pay him the rate of a professional massage place. He isnt as good but its still relaxing.

    He also helps with cooking at our place when we make freezable food like soups and other dishes. We pay for all the ingredients, he helps out and takes home everything that fits in his freezer.

  3. I was thinking of buying some lsd from the dark web and selling them to strangers for 5x the price since it’s dry af in this country. Got a website still hesitant to buy from them

  4. I teach at a university, but the industry I came from pays really well for part-time work. I work a ton of weekends.

  5. Not really income but a bit of like for like. I cook, shop, wash up and do odd bits of DIY for this woman and she cleans my house, does my washing and gets up with my kids in the morning too.

  6. I work a job where a lot of my work can be done on my phone during work hrs regardless of where I am.

    So while I work, I also take care of mostly small residential repair jobs, like installing a smoke detector, or replacing blinds, or touching up damaged walls, etc. I make more money doing this work now than I do with my primary job. However my primary job is the source of most of my contacts for the side job, so I do both.

  7. Meal prep = less food waste = less food bought.

    Then 3 side businesses. 1 consulting, an online service-based business, and a commission-based art business.

  8. I have five published novels. Every now and then I get a royalty check deposit. I think my last one was about 12 bucks.

  9. I cut grass, do random jobs, and pressure wash for neighbors. It’s flexible hours and I enjoy working outside and making extra money.

  10. I review products on Amazon, which may include video depending on what package the business selects. After taxes I square the remainder into div stocks.

  11. Currently it’s just the 9-5, and cypto. Looking into building my 401k and then get into real estate. Along with side projects going to start creating other ways of passive income to have for expenses

  12. Sell photos of my undershirt and bulging belly covered in a days worth of sweat from working all day on only fans. Sell the 20 unwashed shirts a month via auction. Do the same for my white underwear and my dirty ass white socks for premium tier fans. Also auction them off. I go through a few plastic packages of walmart socks, undies, and shirts a month. I charge extra for skidmarks on the underwear.

    I make about $6,000 a month from it, plus whatever the auctions total out to… Yes they pay the shipping cost.

  13. Digital marketing consulting. Building web pages, coding emails, graphic design, copywriting, etc.

  14. I do OnlyFans, a little bit of paid photography, and have an Airbnb. At some point I’ll probably get my Etsy up and running again for Blacksmithing/Leatherworking stuff. I don’t consider any of my investing to be income because I don’t intent to touch it until retirement.

  15. Renting out a second apartment I hold a lease on for more than I am paying for it. I am also occasionally hired as a consultant on specific matters that are connected to my primary job, so thats extra money (though heavily taxed where I live).

    On rare occasions, since I like cooking and tend to cook for larger groups (game nights), people give me a few bucks to take home leftovers I already budgeted for.

    None of these are necessary, but they do add up to several thousand euros per year in total, which helps during times like these, or when I really want that shiny new toy.

  16. I have been doing odd jobs around my neighborhood for years.

    I also collect drift wood, river wood (freshwater drift wood) and put a 25$ price sticker on it, and sell them to tourists as hiking sticks.

    In the summer, i can usually bring in a good 300$ a day.

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