Men that litter their condoms in parking lots, why?

  1. Cause I don’t want to ride home with it in my car. Or be out looking for a trash can all over the damn city. I have other stuff to do

  2. If someone’s fucking in a parking lot, you’re not talking about someone who generally cares about anything.

  3. A company I worked for had their portapotties up on a trailer to bring up to a worksite the next day. We opened it up in the morning and found a cucumber with a condom over it. Got a good laugh but eesh it was grim.

  4. I usually just tie it up and shove it up my ass til I find a trash can to dispose of it in.

  5. If someone is banging it out in a parking lot do you think they really care to find a waste bin or take that dirty nut net home?

  6. You expect me to leave the condom in my car after fucking in a Denny’s parking lot? I’m not an animal.

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