They’re not even like mostly lewd or soft porn type women either (I’d actually maybe understand that), it’s just genuine girls around our age (25&24) who are all just posting their lives on tik tok or insta.

I’ve always had a running joke that he’s into blondes (I’m a redhead) and low and behold, 90% of these are blonde women. He used to work at a farm and have always had a suspicion that he wanted to be with someone in farming/horses/ect and yet again.. there’s a tonne of female farming/agri girls in his following.

I really wish I was exaggerating but he only follows around 120 people and there’s only about 10 guys included in that.

I’m often left feeling really uncomfortable by the way he is around women when we’re out at pubs or even at work (we work together) because of the attention he gives them but I always end up talking myself out of it, thinking that he’s just being friendly. He’s also often extremely outspoken about me talking to men – he would even get uncomfortable with me having gay male friends until I had to put my foot down on his insecurities. I have never been ‘allowed’ male friends and I came to accept this and cut a lot of friends off as a sign of respect but I’m left feeling like this really isn’t a fair scenario. He’s ‘allowed’ to gawk at his ‘dream women’ all day on socials, but god forbid I have any contact with another man, gay or straight..?

We recently fell out when out drinking because he accused me twice of ‘entertaining men’ when 1 guy asked me where there smoking area was and another asked me for a lighter whilst my bf was on the phone later on, I walked home alone and he called me accusing me of going home with another man.

Be honest.. am I being a mug here? Should I bring up these women he follows and really go at him for being so unbalanced with the exceptions in this relationship? Or am I the insecure one?

  1. Approach him calmly and ask without sounding angry or aggressive. Give him a chance to explain and go from there. No need to kick it up to 100 off the bat.

  2. I see red flags all over this post. Run girl. He’s a controlling pos. It’s all about keeping you locked down while he does as he pleases.

  3. He’s gas lighting you. He can do what he wants which is disrespectful to you, but you get called out for innocent interaction?! Dump him!

  4. No, he’s probably insecure because he assumes that you’re thinking the same way about men as he is thinking about women.

    Fair is fair. If he wouldn’t be okay with you looking at men like that, then he shouldn’t look at women like that.

    He’s not even comfortable with you really talking to other men, but he actively treats women differently than men? No.

    Also you should be able to be friends with whoever, maybe not hang out alone one on one if something has happened that makes your boyfriend uneasy.

    I would personally say he should probably unfollow any girl he hasn’t met in person at least 3 times. Or if he hasn’t seen or talked to them in the past 10 years. That feels reasonable.

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