I’ve visited New York, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C.

  1. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago, Tampa Bay. Tampa may not be considered major, though.

  2. Boston, New York, D.C., Orlando, Philadelphia, Honolulu (does that count?).

    And if we’re counting “been in the airport” as visiting then also Chicago and Dallas

  3. NYC, Boston, Philadelphia, DC, Miami, Tampa, Orlando (idk if those two really count), San Diego, and LA

  4. Tampa, Miami, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Seattle, Portland, St Louis, Dallas, Milwaukee, Los Angeles, Honolulu, Memphis, Nashville, Denver

  5. Only Phoenix and Boston. I’ve been to the Detroit airport but I don’t think that counts lol I’ll probably end up in Dallas at some point to visit my brother’s family and have our kids finally meet.

  6. What are we considering as “major American cities”?

    Based on what everyone else is saying, I’ve been to Chicago, Washington DC, Memphis, Nashville, and Portland.

  7. * DC x2
    * Chicago…uh…6x?
    * Nashville
    * Louisville
    * Boston several times, though my family is all in the burbs so a lot of time is really spent in Stonhem or Plymouth
    * LA
    * San Francisco
    * St Louis
    * I guess Orlando but is that even really a city?
    * Atlanta, NYC and Philly if airport-only visits count

  8. Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego, Anchorage, Las Vegas, San Antonio, Dallas, Cincinnati, Washington DC, Baltimore, pretty much every one in the southeast except for Miami.

  9. What are we calling major?

    New York, Boston, DC, Philly, Chicago, Denver, LA, San Diego, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, San Jose, Dallas, Houston, Miami, Orlando, Atlanta, Phoenix.

    The only city in the population top 10 I haven’t been to is San Antonio.

  10. Not sure where you draw the line at “major”. I pulled the top 200 cities by population from the Wiki page and here are the ones I’ve visited or lived in. I didn’t include ones that I’d just driven through but never actually spent more than a day.

    * New York
    * Los Angeles
    * Chicago
    * Houston
    * Phoenix
    * Philadelphia
    * San Antonio
    * Dallas
    * Austin
    * Fort Worth
    * Charlotte
    * San Francisco
    * Seattle
    * Denver
    * Oklahoma City
    * Nashville
    * El Paso
    * Washington, DC
    * Las Vegas
    * Portland
    * Louisville
    * Memphis
    * Milwaukee
    * Albuquerque
    * Tucson
    * Mesa
    * Kansas City
    * Atlanta
    * Colorado Springs
    * Raleigh
    * Virginia Beach
    * Oakland
    * Minneapolis
    * Tulsa
    * Bakersfield
    * New Orleans
    * Honolulu
    * Corpus Christi
    * Saint Paul
    * St. Louis
    * Plano
    * Anchorage
    * Durham
    * Lubbock
    * Chesapeake
    * Winston–Salem
    * Glendale
    * Scottsdale
    * Garland
    * Richmond
    * Baton Rouge
    * Tacoma
    * Huntsville
    * Fayetteville
    * Little Rock
    * Amarillo
    * Augusta
    * Salt Lake City
    * Montgomery
    * Birmingham
    * Grand Rapids
    * Grand Prairie
    * Tallahassee
    * Peoria
    * Knoxville
    * Vancouver
    * Brownsville
    * Mobile
    * Tempe
    * Chattanooga
    * Fort Lauderdale
    * Eugene
    * Killeen
    * Kansas City
    * Charleston
    * Denton
    * Mesquite
    * Savannah
    * McAllen
    * Gainesville
    * Waco

  11. Let’s see, with the completely arbitrary cutoff of 25 largest metropolitan areas as my definition, I’ve been to the following: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Washington, Atlanta, Miami, Phoenix, Boston, Riverside (should be considered part of the LA metro, imo), San Francisco, Detroit, Seattle, Minneapolis, San Diego, Tampa, Denver, Orlando, and Portland.

  12. Already visited: NYC, Boston, Dallas, Houston, Austin, Las Vegas, Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale, Birmingham, Washington DC, Baltimore, Indianapolis, San Antonio,

    Coming soon: Seattle, Miami, New Orleans

  13. Boston, DC, Philly, Phoenix, San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco when I was 1.

  14. New York, LA, San Francisco, San Diego, Philadelphia, Hartford. Boston, Minneapolis, Detroit, Chicago, Nashville, Miami, Orlando, Atlanta, Salt Lake, DC, Phoenix, Dallas, San Antonio, Honolulu, Waikiki, Charlotte, San Jose, Baltimore, New Orleans, Albuquerque, Denver, Las Vegas, Raleigh, Kansas City, Virginia Beach, Atlantic City, basically all in New Jersey.

    Missing a ton, I got bored of thinking of them all.

  15. New Orleans, Miami, Austin, Atlanta, Nashville, Dallas, Houston, and few others I’m probably forgetting

  16. Boston, New York City, Newark, Philadelphia, Raleigh, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Tampa, Miami, Orlando, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Madison, Milwaukee, Chicago, Indianapolis, Nashville, Louisville, New Orleans, Des Moines, Omaha, Oklahoma City, Houston, Austin, St. Louis, Denver, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, Los Angeles, San Diego, Reno, Las Vegas, Phoenix.

  17. I’m from NJ. I’ve visited: Philly, NYC, Boston, D.C., Tampa, SF, Seattle, Chicago. Also, maybe a bit second tier – Columbus, Salt Lake City, Jacksonville.

  18. Off the top of my head, Boston, New York, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Tampa, Cincinnati, Detroit, Indianapolis, Chicago (from here, so doesn’t really count but it would be weird to leave it off), Minneapolis, St. Louis, Phoenix, San Francisco, and Anchorage, Alaska :).

    Tons of smaller ones too, like Memphis, Louisville, Nashville, Knoxville, etc. I guess it depends on what you consider “major.“

  19. 48 state otr truck driver for 7 years. All of them except Honolulu and Juneau and Fairbanks.

  20. San Diego, LA, Portland, Seattle, Boston, NYC, Atlanta, Charlotte, Orlando, Dallas, Chicago, Oklahoma City, DC, Raleigh, Virginia Beach, Long Beach, Tampa, Honolulu, Durham, St. Pete, Norfolk

    From the list of Americas 100 most populous cities. Been to a bunch of other cities (including the one I live in now), but you said major.

  21. NYC, Atlanta, New Orleans, Dallas-Fort Worth, Miami, Memphis, Nashville, Charlotte, Houston, Philadelphia

  22. NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, Philadelphia, San Antonio, San Diego, Dallas, San Francisco, Austin, Las Vegas, Nashville, New Orleans, Charlotte, Charleston, Savannah, Atlanta, and many more. I looked up the top 200 cities ranked by population, and I have visited 64 of them.

  23. Going off the list of the 25 largest cities: New York, LA, Phoenix, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, and Las Vegas.

  24. I don’t know if all of these are “major” cities, but they’re all bigger cities: Boston, NYC, DC, Pittsburgh, Jacksonville, Minneapolis

  25. Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Detroit, Louisville, Nashville, Knoxville, D.C., Buffalo, Raleigh, Tampa, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, Las Vegas, San Francisco.

  26. SF, NYC, San Diego, Denver, Indy, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Tampa, Miami, Las Vegas, Seattle, Portland, Dallas, Minneapolis.


    Idk I’m probably missing a few.

  27. Born and raised in NYC.

    In addition, I’ve been to:

    * Boston

    * Providence

    * Hartford

    * New Haven

    * Rochester

    * Buffalo

    * Philadelphia

    * Pittsburgh

    * Baltimore

    * Washington, DC

    * Roanoke

    * Atlanta

    * Orlando

    * Tampa

    * Miami/Fort Lauderdale

    * Key West

    * Cleveland

    * Columbus

    * Cincinnati

    * Detroit

    * Milwaukee

    * Madison

    * Chicago

    * St. Louis

    * Dallas

    * Austin

    * Santa Fe (by way of Albuquerque)

    * Phoenix

    * Salt Lake City

    * San Diego

    * Los Angeles

    * San Jose

    * San Francisco/Oakland

    * Seattle

    * Honolulu

    This isn’t counting stopovers where I didn’t leave the airport.

  28. NYC, LA, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, San Diego, DC.

    If you count these as major cities (I don’t but some might): Indianapolis, Cincinnati, SF, TB, SLC, Nashville, Louisville, and St. Louis

  29. – Boston
    – New York
    – Baltimore
    – DC
    – Atlanta
    – Chicago
    – St Louis
    – Dallas
    – Austin
    – Kansas City
    – Denver
    – Reno
    – Las Vegas
    – Seattle
    – Portland
    – Los Angeles
    – San Diego
    – All NorCal cities

  30. In no particular order: Chicago (I live here), NYC, Philadelphia, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Milwaukee, Cleveland (lived there for a few years), Charlotte, Raleigh (lived nearby for a while), Washington DC, Miami, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Orlando (lived there for a while), Richmond VA, Houston, and Las Vegas. I’m hoping to visit Denver in 2023.

  31. Lived in: Baltimore, Philly

    Visited dozens of times: DC, NYC

    Cities with at least one big 4 sports franchise that I’ve been to at least once: Chicago, Seattle, Portland, Orlando, Charlotte

    Cities I don’t consider major but I think are worth mentioning: Richmond VA, Fort Myers FL, Savannah GA

    Cities I’ve driven past on the interstate: Columbus OH, Indianapolis

    Cities I’ve had a layover in: Dallas, Miami

  32. New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Chicago, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Boston, Minneapolis, Baltimore, Charlotte, Atlanta, Tampa, Miami, Orlando, Birmingham, New Orleans, Denver, Austin, San Antonio, Albuquerque, Phoenix, Portland, Seattle, Honolulu…a few smaller ones too.

    I”ve been lucky to have gone to 34 states so far, some of which don’t have any major cities, or I just didn’t get to the big cities in those states. Some of the bigger cities I have left that I want to see include:

    Nashville, Memphis, St. Louis, Kansas City, Louisville, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Charleston, Madison, Milwaukee, Anchorage, Salt Lake City, Missoula to name a few. I love travel and seeing the different states and cities within.

  33. Alright, I’ll say any city with a team in the Big 4 leagues counts. I’ve hit Boston, NYC, Philly, Baltimore and DC. Orlando if Disney qualifies, and I’ve done layovers in Chicago, Detroit, Charlotte, Pittsburgh, and Atlanta if airports count.

  34. Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, Dallas, Richmond, Madison, KC, Des Moines, Wichita, Albuquerque, Las Vegas (current city).

  35. These cities are based on the largest cities by population, like another posted did.

    Los Angeles (home), Phoenix, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, Las Vegas, Albuquerque, Fresno, Tucson, Sacramento, Long Beach, Oakland, Anaheim (and some of the other Orange County cities).

    I stopped at top 100.

    I need to visit past Denver, clearly. Chicago is next on my list.

  36. New York, LA, Chicago, Phoenix, Philadelphia, San Antonio, Dallas, Indianapolis, Charlotte, Seattle, Denver, DC, Boston, Las Vegas, Portland, Baltimore, Albuquerque, Kansas City, Atlanta, Colorado Springs, Raleigh, Virginia Beach, New Orleans, Cleveland, Orlando, Greensboro, St. Louis, Boise, Spokane

    I used this list from Wikipedia to help me remember https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_population
    I left off cities I’ve been to if they’re right next to another larger city that I had also been to. And I stopped at 100 because are they a major city at that point?

  37. A lot. DC, Philly, NYC, Austin, New Orleans, Miami, LA, SF, Portland, Nashville, Memphis, Dallas, Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Las Vegas and a bunch that I’m not sure are “major,” like Charleston, Nashville, Tampa, Orlando, Baltimore, Minneapolis, etc.

    Really the glaring holes for me in the US are Boston (waiting until it warms up to visit lol) and some of the other big Texas cities especially Houston and San Antonio.

  38. I’ve been everywhere, man.
    Crossed the deserts bare, man.
    I’ve breathed the mountain air, man.
    Of travel I’ve had my share, man.

    I’ve been everywhere!

    I’ve been to Reno, Chicago, Fargo, Minnesota.
    Buffalo, Toronto, Winslow, Sarasota.
    Wichita, Tulsa, Ottawa, Oklahoma.
    Tampa, Panama, Mattawa, La Paloma.
    Bangor, Baltimore, Salvador, Amarillo.
    Tocapillo, Baranquilla, and Perdilla, I’m a killer!

    I’ve been to Boston, Charleston, Dayton, Louisiana.
    Washington, Houston, Kingston, Texarkana.
    Monterey, Faraday, Santa Fe, Tallapoosa.
    Glen Rock, Black Rock, Little Rock, Oskaloosa.
    Tennessee to Tennesse Chicopee, Spirit Lake.
    Grand Lake, Devils Lake, Crater Lake, for Pete’s sake

    I’ve been everywhere, man!

    I’ve been to Louisville, Nashville, Knoxville, Ombabika.
    Schefferville, Jacksonville, Waterville, Costa Rica.
    Pittsfield, Springfield, Bakersfield, Shreveport.
    Hackensack, Cadillac, Fond du Lac, Davenport.
    Idaho, Jellico, Argentina, Diamantina,
    Pasadena, Catalina, see what I mean.

    I’ve been to Pittsburgh, Parkersburg, Gravelburg, Colorado.
    Ellensburg, Rexburg, Vicksburg, El Dorado.
    Larimore, Atmore, Haverstraw, Chatanika.
    Chaska, Nebraska, Alaska, Opelika.
    Baraboo, Waterloo, Kalamazoo, Kansas City.
    Sioux City, Cedar City, Dodge City, what a pity.

    I’ve been everywhere!

    (But to answer your question… many of them. Boston is home, NYC, Chicago, SF, Sacramento, Philly, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, Denver, Colorado Springs, Seattle, Charlotte, both Portlands, Vegas, Reno, Milwaukee, Atlanta, St Louis, Orlando, Virginia Beach, Cleveland, Columbus, Minneapolis, Lincoln, Buffalo, Salt Lake City…. I’m sure I’m missing some.

    Never been to DC or LA though. Might change that in ‘23)

  39. NYC, DC. Chicago, Miami, LA, San Francisco, Phienix, Portland, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Louisville.

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