Recently bought a medium prostrate massager and had the two biggest orgasms in memory. Since then, a few days later, I can’t seem to orgasm. Also have a weird feeling/ mild pain in the penis glans when masturbating. Seems like my Erection isn’t as strong as it was before prostrate massager. Any ideas?

  1. Talk to your doctor.

    This is beyond the power of Reddit.

    But..? Let’s examine things. You had an incredibly powerful orgasm or five. Now, things aren’t the same. Barring you just having started a medication(which would be my first guess!), it sounds neurological.

    This is just a possibility mind…you had a mini-stroke? It caused some neurological damage, and now things aren’t working the same. ???

    I’m not aware of a limit on orgasms. However, due to constant sex and/or masturbation it caused you to be satisfied to the point that you simply need a break. It could be that. Which is preferable. It definitely beats the scary mini-stroke theory.

    Watch yourself for a few days to a week. If anything else neurological shows up, get to a doctor. Otherwise, relax.

  2. Obligatory- go see a doctor. You are asking about a medical issue.

    Your prostate is a major part of your orgasm process, so if you damaged it, then the problems you describe could make sense.

    If you don’t want to go to a doctor yet, just give it a rest and see if it heals in a week or two. If not, then go to a doctor. I think you’d need to see a general practitioner (the ones who give you a physical), and they would refer you to a urologist specialist doctor. But you could call a urologist and ask if they can see you without a referral. It probably partly depends on your health insurer. I’m saying this as if you’re in the USA.

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