Hey there,

ill get right into it, i was having my regular checkup that the insurance will pay for and had issues. I was anxious as usual, but like not super badly, and i didn’t feel crazy weird. Ive been having some soreness issues since my current partner is unusually large, but overall its been going ok.

I didn’t feel weird physically going in at all, and it went normally at first. Then when my doctor (who is a woman that im not attracted to) started the breast exam i got bonkers wet and my clit got so hard it hurt. I was 0% turned on mentally, btw. It was this weird physical only thing.

When she started the pelvic exam i knew i was in trouble and i told her i was feeling weirdly reactive, and she asked if i wanted to reschedule. I took off time from work and didnt want to waste the day off, so we went ahead and did it anyway after she gave me 15 or 20 minutes to chill out, which i have mixed feelings about now, obviously.

I had an orgasm when she put the speculum in and opened it. Flat out, immediate, and unwelcome. It shot out of me and i kind of bruised myself on the plastic from the convulsion. some fluid came out too. She gave me about 30 minutes to chill and told me all kinds of reactions are normal, and she seemed like, annoyed more than weirded out, so i hope she wasnt blowing smoke.

I had two more smaller orgasms during the remaining exam, neither of which were as intense, but i still found the whole experience bizarre and upsetting.

Does anyone else have experience with this, not just the pelvic exam thing but also just an unwanted orgasm when youre not mentally there at all? I dont have a medical fetish at all, i like my Doc but only as a person, and i dont get this. I can cum from penetration, more readily since ive been with my current partner, but this is nuts. Can anyone shed some light here? What the fuck happened to me? I feel extremely gross and embarrassed by this and I feel like i pretty much have to find a new doctor now!

  1. No idea how common this is, but you had a reaction to physical stimulation, don’t thunk there is much more to it than that. Obviously an unfortunate moment but doctors see all kinds of crazy stuff. This probably wasn’t even on the top of the list for your doctor this week.

  2. You did nothing wrong and what happened was completely excusable. Try not to worry about it, it’s just something you don’t have control over and not dangerous or disgusting in any way. If the doc was irritated that’s her problem, not yours. She should have been completely understanding and patient. She probably was tired or stressed like people in high pressure jobs get, but it’s not on you at all.

  3. It’s some kind of….short circuit? Usually things like anxiety and tensing would lead away from being sexually aroused (physically), but, for some people the effect is opposite. In fact, some people masturbate when they are anxious.

    I work in healthcare and can say from first hand experience that even though this is not common, it shouldn’t be something you are super embarrassed about. Your doctor understands the difference between voluntary and involuntary arousal. Women who are raped sometimes have an orgasm, which is a whole extra layer of mental fuckery, but the body has it’s own wiring and we can’t always control it. And, as far as your doctor being “annoyed”…..that has to do with tying up a room for an hour, which probably caused a slight back up on patient traffic, but really beyond that no big deal. You don’t have to find a new doctor…..at least this one you have now will understand your triggers and maybe you can work through it together.

    Just add it to the “things that are interesting about me” list…..embarrassment aside, it does make for a good story.

  4. ok wait. As a woman that’s dope and I wish that’d happen to me so easily. On a serious note: I completely understand being embarrassed, but she’s your doctor and they see things all the time. I’m 100% sure she was “annoyed” because she had to give you breaks and people were waiting but it had nothing to do with the orgasm itself. You are human. It was out of your control and you also warned her so it wasn’t some awkward sexual situation.

  5. So I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess that your partner probably plays with your boobs during the hanky panky.
    So when the doctor touched your breasts, your body said “oh! This is sexually relevant! This is what leads to good times! I should start getting ready for the good times!”, hence the wetness.

    And an orgasm is simply a release of sexual tension built in the body. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU FOUND THE OB SEXUAL. This means that your body received stimulation that reminded it of sexual experiences, and you had plenty of tension built up from being nervous/etc, and there was a release of said tension.

    Your body reacted. Your OB understands that. I am certain you are not the first person the OB has seen this happen with.
    You are not a freak. You have a body that was highly reactive, and that is all.

    You might want to look into the book Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski. She also started a podcast recently by the same name.

    She talks about sexual nonconcordance. It’s when the body and the mind are in two different states; either you are mentally turned on and your body doesn’t react, or you are not mentally turned on but your body still reacts. In the case of the latter, your body reacts simply because it recognizes a stimulus as something that is sexually relevant.
    Sexually relevant means it reminds your body of a sexual context. Breast and genital stimulation would absolutely do that!

    You aren’t a freak, you’re a human.
    As someone else pointed out, it’s likely that the OB was mildly annoyed because of the room being tied up for extra time.
    You did nothing wrong.

  6. Read “Come as you are” that book is the best book on women’s sexuality and it talks about how both men and women can have physical reactions that are not at all aligned with their mental reactions. It’s not common, but it is normal.

  7. Easier said than done but try not to be embarrassed. You aren’t the first, and you certainly won’t be the last to have this happen. The doctor moved on and went on about their day after. They may have seemed annoyed because when someone gets delayed, everyone behind gets delayed. Don’t think it was annoyance at you, more at the situation of falling behind.

  8. I honestly do not see a problem unless you perceive it as such. I don’t think a woman that orgasms is gross and to me, the embarrasment is because you experience pleasure where this isn’t regularly so. If you were a guy or you had squirting orgasms, I can understand this causes some discomfort because soil the place.

    Of course, I read about a woman that gets the one of the other orgasm while she is brushing her teeth and I can assume this isn’t funny for her anymore. Is this also the case with you? If not, what’s the problem?

  9. It honestly doesn’t sound weird at all. Even if it’s not your kink or you’re not attracted to this person, you’re still getting some intimate attention. I have seen this question on this Reddit before, so you are not alone and you’re not the only one to be embarrassed – but you shouldn’t be. Our bodies react to everything around us in different ways all the time.

  10. I’m so sorry she seemed annoyed that was unprofessional, especially since you were already feeling embarassed

  11. Hard to tell, to far away from my own experiences. For me to orgasm I have to be concentrated in what I’m doing and moving my body purposely.

  12. Don’t be grossed everything is ok. Some people can get stimulated easier then others. Now the fact that the touch of the breast started it. Leaves a question you mine have a interest in the touch of a woman, still nothing to get upset about. I’m a guy had a Dr do a prostate exam she was female, precum ugh embarrassing for sure lol. It happens you hit this don’t over think it..

  13. All the best just a observation or opinion I work in the medical field and have had Ob/gyn experience

  14. Its not unheard of, as someone else said there’s a whole Scrubs episode about it. I have a friend who has a small orgasm every time she does pull-ups; something about how her abs tense up. Humans are weird, and there’s like 7billion of them, so it’s highly unlikely you’re the first person to experience anything, and doc’s see enough people that it’s unlikely it’s their first time seeing something, so don’t fret overmuch.

  15. A medical perspective:

    This is incredibly* common.

    It’s not even thought about more than 10m after you leave the appointment. Tbh, the doctors feel mostly awkward about how to console you b/c they know how you must feel and we’re not sure how to explain to you that it’s normal.

    Part of the thing that’s hard to explain to patients is that when you see 200+ patients per week, something like this happens relatively frequently and we really just want to finish the exam.

    Your orgasm isn’t anything more than a physiological phenomenon of sacral nerve tissue to us in that moment, and our main concern in that moment is 1) helping you feel better (because we know you feel embarrassed) and 2) getting the next patient in that chair so we can go home for the day.

    As for what happened. Roughly: Orgasm is largely a reflex through a loop of nerve tissue at the bottom of your spine that is triggered by physical stimulation. The amount of physical stimulation required to trigger the reflex can be modified by mental state. Generally it goes up with stress and down with relaxation. However, different mental states are a mix of stress and relaxation and can have differing effects on that threshold. It’s all very individual from there but it’s likely that you just had a decently low mental inhibitory moment + were in a particularly good/sensitive physiological state (well hydrated, sufficiently well rested, good blood flow) that allowed for that physical threshold to be crossed without any mental input.

    Unfortunately women and men can also orgasm during rape, which is often traumatic and guilt inducing because it’s hard to understand that orgasm a reflex and we’re ultimately all meatsacks with brains that follow our physiological programming.

    *experiencing an undesired physiological response during a physical exam

  16. After having a lot of intense sex I find my vagina always has *more* tension to release than orgasms to have. I have had to ice it. I imagine if I was in your position that my body would be reacting pretty similar (except that I don’t orgasm from penetration). I’ve had this vaginal build up response in all kinds of not-sexually related circumstances, my only privilege is wearing clothes & not having anyone touch or look at my body. I hope one day you can accept that involuntary things happen and feel more humor about it than shame.

  17. Oof, I’m sorry you experienced that! I can imagine how I’d feel in that situation, and it would be a tough one to deal with. But listen to all the folks here telling you that you’re not a weirdo and there isn’t anything wrong with you. The body does what the body does.

    Maybe this is the female version of guys getting erections all throughout puberty but condensed into one single experience.

  18. As a medical professional, I’m sure she’s seen it all and has an understanding that the body sometimes just does shit. I wouldn’t worry about having to find a new doctor, they’re used to it.

    In terms of what you experienced, it’s possible your brain is wired in a certain way that makes orgasms very easy. It’s similar with fetishes, certain parts of the brain associated with normally benign things (let’s take something random like a chair), may be crossed with parts of your brain that are attached to the genitalia. So now (in this hypothetical situation), sex involving chairs is inexplicably attractive to you.

    Touch of course can be sexual, but in a medical setting it isn’t. Something in your brain might have crossed and associated it as sexual and your body reacted. Just a theory, but I wouldn’t worry about it where your doctor is concerned.

    Source: psychology degree, but not employed in the field

  19. Not sure if this is relevant, or even if it is not making it worse, but would it make sense to release your sexual tensions shortly prior to the appointment?

  20. Anxiety and stress always make me horny in the worst way. Fucked something up at work? Wow, now I’m uncomfortably aroused at an inappropriate place while stressing out. It is not fun.

    This could be similar for you. You were uncomfortable and your body reacted with extreme arousal, that wasn’t helped by the fact you were receiving physical stimulation.

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