Thinking about getting an IUD. Saw some comments about the strings poking the penis. Hubby is worried because he goes deep. I don’t want to go through having it put in only to have it quickly removed.

How big of a problem are IUD strings? How painful is hitting them with a penis? How long does it last?

  1. I can feel my wife’s at times and at certain angles. Definitely wasn’t comfortable when I first experienced it, but now it’s better since the strings have “broken in”.

    OBGYN will cut the strings shorter if it’s noticeable.

    Edit: still worth it, definitely get an IUD

  2. They should soften pretty quickly as not to be a problem. Unless he’s hitting your cervix (which is often painful), it’s somewhat unlikely he’ll notice them.

  3. My partner never has this problem I’ve had my IUD for 6 years. There have been a couple times where it got jostled after a rough time and it was uncomfortable for me, though.

  4. My husband could occasionally feel it at first but eventually it softened and he can’t feel it anymore. It was worth it overall.

  5. I’ve hit the strings before, my ex had her iud in for a while before me though I think So they maybe were softer (if that’s even a thing) but i never was bothered by it

  6. Had a IUD for 10 years, never had any partner feel them. If your partner can feel them the Docter can trim the strings

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