I met this girl on bumble about 3 months ago, we have met several times now. We are pretty intimate with each other and enjoy eachothers company. This girl said that I am not her type and that she would not wanna be in a serious relationship with me ever. Still we continue to see eachother constantly, spend the night at eachothers place, go for drives and dates to different cafes and all that…She daily sends me pictures of herself, she’ll be at her uni and just randomly dm me a selfie of herself. I am technically her 1st kiss and the 1st guy that she’s been with sexually. I have started to get attached to this person and I feel for her deeply. I did tell her about my feelings not entirely but I just said that I think I’ve started developing real feelings for you which might have freaked her out a little…but we eventually ended up fucking that day. Well she goes on to give attention…do stuff that couples would do( things like exchanging hoodies and all). Please help me I’m scared I’ll get hurt and I don’t wanna lose her. She’s the 1st person out so many that I have actually really vibed with and spent so much time with.

  1. So she’s sending super mixed signals. She’d never date you but she essentially is dating you and having sex with you?

    I’ll say this, anyone can break your heart. This girl or another girl who seems 100% interested and promises to love you forever. You just never know. Enjoy the process. Enjoy being in love, and whatever is going to happen is going to happen regardless I assume she’s going to end things when she finds another “better” guy to take your place based on what she said. You can have fun until that happens and get some dating experience or you can tell her to go pound sand.

    Actually, turning cold and distant with her might spark her interest into you more. Proceed at your own caution though. If playing games works on her (and it probably will) she’s not really the type you want.

  2. I cannot speak for you and will only say what I would do in a similar situation. As difficult as it may be, I would still talk to her about this. For me, the thought of her ever breaking my heart would always linger in the back of my mind. And that wouldn’t be worth it to me, no matter how well we vibe.

    Now I know this is much easier for me to say, because I’m simply not in the same situation.
    Still, I hope it helps and I hope you make the right choice, good luck.

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