How many of you had a girl interested in you then she immediately lose all interest in you once she learns that you like her too?

  1. Not since middle school. Are you sure that’s why she lost interest? Are you sure she was interested to begin with?

  2. Did observe some playing games once she learns she has your attention and you care for her. To be honest these are the ones you must clearly steer away from, absolute drama queens.

  3. I feel like 99% of the time this happens it’s because the girl isn’t actually interested and she just treats people she knows in a nice way. The man is just so starved for attention and has nobody in his life that treats him nicely, so he assumes she likes him.

  4. It’s possible you mistook friendship for interest. It’s also possible that she enjoyed the company of someone she was attracted to but didn’t want to actually have a relationship. Or maybe she was sussing you out and decided you weren’t right. There’s lots of different possibilities

  5. does that happen? Ive never seen it.


    Ive had them immediateley lose interest for a few reasons, but ‘once she learns you like her too’? Sounds strange

  6. Yeah, school sucked. Had a few girls interested in me, one of them was especially aggressive about it and flirted hard. At some point I fell for her and she stopped the act immediately. It was rough

  7. I’m a woman and a man did this to me in the past

    We were friends, he would tell me he loved me when he was drunk, he told me I was perfect, we kissed when we were both drunk. We even shared a bed a few times without having sex. We just cuddled.

    When I told him I liked him back he backed off and told me he wasn’t interested lol.

    Not saying this for pity, it was a few years ago and I’m over it now. I just wanna point out that these things also happen to women

  8. That’s pretty typical high school behavior: Girls who want guys they don’t like to like them. People like attention, and they like to be admired. It’s double the ego boost to think that not only does someone have a crush on you, but you’re also too good for them.

    I find that this is less common after the teenage years, but some people still get stuck in this game into adulthood.

  9. Once, lets be perfectly clear after I found out I was fortunate enough to also learn a significant host of other shit she did that made letting go much easier. My friends looking out for me with the hard truth that day. Though I still won in the end because I distinctly remember us dancing and her clinging to my arm. Good times high school brought

  10. Never. I’m the one that does that.

    I have this weird thing where I question your judgment if you like me back. Like…what is wrong with you? Do you not see all the flaws I do? It’s annoying because I’ve had and continue to have a fair amount of women interested in me.

    It’s possible those women might have a similar thought process

  11. Do you want the Reddit approved soy answer ? Or the REAL answer?

    you NEVER show women you like them more than they like you.

    You don’t have to believe me, you WILL _learn_ from reality, and life lessons.

  12. There was a girl who liked me for really long time, once I started giving her a lil attention, she just changed.

  13. This isn’t quite the topic question, but not far off.

    I had a woman who couldn’t keep her hands off me, and just loved to talk about making love with me and how much she loved slow sex. She loved to kiss and touch, but every damn time I’d put my hands under her shirt at the small of her back, she was suddenly not so attracted to me. WTF?! It’s not like my hands were cold and clammy.

    I had to cut it off with her, after being falsely led like that too many times. Never did have sex with her. Didn’t even get a single piece of clothing off either of us.

  14. I always made sure that women that i like knew this thing.

    I never liked being manipulated or manipulating someone into a relationship. That was not my thing.

    I was not interested in peacocking, neither I was interested in being an orbiter.

    All of these “matching vibes”, “click together”, “the one for me” seemed too random and stupid to me.

    A lot of women didn’t like this, but i didn’t care. It is not that I was doing some crime or anything.

    A few were OK with that and it became easier to deal with them.

  15. Is OP in high school or junior high? Because I can’t remember this ever occurring to me as an adult.

    You said that she was initially interested in you. Are you sure it was romantic? It could be that she only wanted you as a platonic friend. Then when you showed romantic interest it was too much for her.

  16. Believe it xD or not once a girl she straight told me I’m in love with you, I asked her out , she told me sorry I love you as crush not as bf 😂

  17. I think eventually you learn that in dating human beings are like bees. you have all these workers and one queen. It really doesn’t matter if one worker bee dies or never has sex/relationship, the hive will go on. If the queen dies or doesn’t mate its a different story. So yeah men are like worker bees, we really don’t matter and we get treated “appropriately”. The only way to win at this game if you are say a 4/10 or less is to simply not play it and be content with the single life. I’m glad I took this path and I’m 60 and have never been a relationship.

  18. A bitch will see you as a bore, the moment you make your intentions to her explicit.

    When it comes to “love”, i’ve personally come to realize that most people don’t have much going on with their lives besides the products they consume, their 9 to 5 jobs, and the entertainment they get from feeling desired by another person. So a girl who sees relationships as a fun driven sport, won’t ever be satisfied with anything but absolute uncertainty. It is how it is.

  19. Several times but it doesn’t really affect me, I’m narcissistic enough that someone not liking me is a turn off.

  20. Was open and honest with a girl upon meeting her that I 100% found her attractive and wanted to date, she wasn’t ready, totally fine. We eventually because good friends naturally, without any anterior motives but I was very transparent about my feelings still and set boundaries.

    She kept pushing or passing those boundaries, when I confronted her about it she got super offended and backed off. This, unfortunately, happened over and over and eventually I broke off the friendship for the better cause it was clear I was convenient for her but she didn’t want to commit. Once I broke it off, she treated it as if it was an actual breakup.

    Later I found out she really did have some deep feelings for myself, told my roommates, and was just too scared to act cause she didn’t feel confident in her ability to “settle”. Still hurt, she was a great person, made me better in a number of ways.

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