Hubby (29m) and I (27f) have been married 7 years in May and have two kids. Like most, we’ve been through a lot and I must say I trust him wholeheartedly and we have a wonderful marriage.

He went out to pick up dinner for us last night and he had quite the story for me once he got back.

While he was in the front of the restaurant waiting, he was standing beside a Christmas tree. A teen girl walks into the restaurant with her mother and they pass by him on the way to their table. The girl, with a flirty tone says to hubby, “You look just perfect next to that Christmas tree.” Before hubby could even open his mouth, the mom, who he described as “proper and dainty,” leans down behind her daughter.

*“You see the ring on his finger, don’t you!? That means he’s married so don’t fucking flirt with him!”*

He just grinned. Then he came home, we ate, and he promptly stood beside our Christmas tree after dinner.

  1. Educational moment for everyone… she learned about respecting marriage and rings… he learned he likes christmas extra now

  2. Damn it. This post drives me nuts….

    He missed a perfect opportunity to LIE under the tree seductively and ask “So……how do YOU think I look UNDER the tree?”

    You may not have to divorce but I think a separation is advisable.

  3. Can’t say I know many teenager girls that find nearly 30 year old men attractive. Scary and intimidating maybe, but attractive, nope.

    Personally I can’t imagine a teen girl looking up from their phone. Much less a girl that is charismatic enough to deliver, one line pick-up lines to a stranger with their parents within earshot.

    Your husband must have Crist Hemsworth level charm going for him.

    Not sure how he knew she was a teen girl ? Or what in her tone suggested flirting…. tbh.

  4. If Mom said that in front of your husband, I’m sure she gave the daughter an ear full when they got to the table.

  5. My husband works as a substitute teacher occasionally and the middle school girls are the absolute biggest flirts, it’s just funny. They tell him he looks like Captain America and ask him if he’s married and how old he is hahaha.

  6. She may have not been a teen but just a young looking adult. I am over 30 and when I still worked 2 years ago, I would get asked all the time how school was going. I once was asked if I was excited for school to start.
    None the less I love when my hubs gets hit on. It gives him a nice confidence boost.

  7. I believe him. It used to happen to me when I was in my 30s and 40’s. You are kind of stunned when it happens. I was always more bewildered. The last time it happen was almost 20 years ago.. I was eating lunch at Wendy’s and this teenage girl sat down next to me and asked, “Do you believe in love?”

    I did not 😂

  8. Good on mama bear to point that out. Life happens and the take away is he told yea for a laugh. Comedy he stood next to the tree…that is a solid sense of humor.

  9. that mom made me laugh, good for her. her daughter should’ve known better. but, then again, if your hubby is anything like mine he probably looks young for his age & the girl was just just thirsty. regardless, congratulations on 7 years together & may you two have many more. (:

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