I’ll try and keep it short! My sister set me up with someone in her state I’m 36 and so is he, we have been talking for a month and a half. The first week we started talking he offered to pay for her to come down and see me (I hadn’t seen her in 20 yrs) and he said he needed a vacation. We have alot in common but I think that’s because we’re the same age (basic stuff). So they came here last week, I spent a few days with them not a whole lot of one on one time with him. FF they left on Saturday, it went well maybe a couple of red flags but I figured meh nobody is perfect right? yesterday we were texting and he said he’s falling in love me exact words “I don’t want to scare you away but I’m falling in love you I really am you’re such an amazing person with an amazing personality” that plus constant compliments/pet names already, plus he paid for EVERYTHING we did while they were here. Also he JUST got out of a relationship 2 weeks before we started talking. Thoughts? Appreciate y’alls perspectives and opinions.

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