Excluding Italian and French, what is your favorite style of European cuisine ?

  1. You’ve eliminated the only two European cuisines that anyone actually eats lol.

    Portuguese I guess, but it’s hard to find outside of Portuguese neighborhoods.

  2. German. I rank it well above French. I’ll also rank Polish distinctly above French.

  3. Not really into French food , but Probably Spanish or Balkan states.

    If we classing turkey as European then they win hands down , my fave European cuisine.

  4. British, it’s unpretentious and hearty, it’s “comfy” (for lack of a better word), and it’s not afraid to be weird. I’d take a good meat pie over most other foods. French and Italian are great restaurant foods but British cuisine is what I associate most with good home cooking.

    And if you count modern British food (e.g. British-Indian, which I do) then the competition isn’t even close.

  5. Definitely Greek. Although I have not tried the full range of European cuisines.

  6. Excluding those two I guess the food of Dalmatia Croatia among countries I’ve been

  7. Greek, but only at my cousin’s house (he is married to someone from Athens). Most Greek restaurants in the US are watered-down, “greek salad” kind of places and hurried. Seems the opposite of actual Greek cooking and food.

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