Pregnant women and moms of Reddit, what was the weirdest thing you cried about or craved during pregnancy?

  1. First baby, I ate fig newtons all the time, so dry but so good lol Second Baby, I wanted cinnamon rolls no matter what time of the day. Homemade, from a store, in a can. All of them. I even ate a cinnamon roll before my C-section.
    ROOT BEER during both pregnancies 🤌🤌🤌

  2. I wanted tacos. Crunchy tacos with ground beef. Like a hundred tacos, all the time, in the middle of the night

  3. I took a nap while my husband watched our two daughters. When I got up, he told me about our 4 year old standing in front of him with her arms and legs going in every direction. After a minute of this, he told her that was a really nice dance. She said, no! I have to go potty and I can’t get my pants down.

    I laughed hysterically at this and then just started bawling. My husband’s eyes got really big and he said, you’re pregnant! A couple days later a doctor confirmed this.

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