M24, Ladies and gents, how would you describe being genuinely in love w someone? What are some characteristics, gestures, examples? Healthy behaviors? How do you know if you love someone or you’re actually madly in love with someone ? Why are you in love with this person and how have you stayed in love with person for months or years? Advice and insight would deeply be appreciated!

1 comment
  1. Love is and feels very different for different people. For me, it’s something like a perfect day. Where the sky is clear, the temperature is warm but there’s a breeze… ultimate comfort. But I’ve heard others say it’s like a party and you’re drawn to that one person. Of course IMO, it also somewhat depends what kind of love or what phase of love you’re in… the beginning stages of love (infatuation) is a lot more exciting and passionate, but it generally eventually mellows out into a very secure comforting thing.

    I’d say ideal characteristics is where involved parties are both respectful and caring. High levels of trust and security. Arguments/disagreements are fine, but should be communicated and worked through together and healthily (obvs no aggression, no personal attacks, insults, profanities etc..) Basically not much different than any other good/healthy non-romantic relationship.

    **Why are you in love with this person and how have you stayed in love with person for months or years?**

    He makes me feel that ultimate comfort with him. I feel safe, secure, beautiful, amazing.. He makes me feel like I’m the most incredible human ever, and I feel like I’m with a pretty amazing human too lol.

    As for why/how I’ve stayed in love.. I don’t think it’s hard if they continue being the person you fell in love with. He still has all the qualities I admire in him, and I see it when I’m with him… and a lot of the qualities he has are ones I don’t have, but highly admire/love. So honestly, losing him would make my life a lot more difficult even just purely from the practical standpoint.

    And he shows me consistent effort and evidence that he cares about me… I’m sure even as much as I try to be aware and appreciative, I’m still missing all the little things he does for me. He listens to everything I say. I say *so* much rubbish too… I dunno how he manages to remember it. Things I mention once in passing, potentially even in another language unknown to him! I’m quite sure I love him more (and have a better memory) but he is a much better listener and more observant than I am when it comes to doing so for our partner. If anything, it’d be way more difficult to fall out of love with him.

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