What does your experience with a good communicating partner look like?

  1. We have never fought about anything. We might have slight disagreements but we easily come to a solution.

  2. My experience with a good communicating partner is one where we are both able to openly share our thoughts and feelings with each other without feeling judged or misunderstood. We are able to listen to each other and respect each other’s opinions even if we don’t necessarily agree with them. We are also able to compromise when necessary and come to a mutual understanding.

  3. A really easy life and solid relationship, even after an unplanned baby.

    My SO and I will always say if something is bothering us, we both apologise willingly and admit mistakes. We tell each other if we are struggling and we support each other when we need to. I was really worried after giving birth our relationship would fail like so many others, but we are happier and stronger than ever. Your relationship will only fail after a baby if it was never truly solid, that’s what I’ve learned.

  4. I mention the little things that are important and they follow through,a disagreement is not the begining of an argument,they listen when I am speaking,they are supportive to what I do and want to do,they listen to me when I am sad or need to vent,they ask questions when they don’t understand and he pays me my day wage so I can rest when I vent that I am tired.

    Yes he exists🥰

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