My boyfriend (27M) and I (22F) have been talking about sexually experimeting since the beginning of our relationship over 4 years ago. I always wanted to try having a threesome, but with some random people I won’t ever see again because I want to avoid drama in my life. Ever since I met him, I didn’t really want to share my partner with anyone. However, we did talk about it from time to time and how it could be fun.

Lately, those topic have been in our convos way more often than before. The reason for that was that I blurted it our during intercourse when I was extremelly aroused and he seemed to like it. I do want that and I can see that he also really wants that, but at the same time I’m quite insecure about it. All sorts of questions keep popping in my head and I fear that it might ruin our relationship. He isn’t the type to pressure me into anything, he’s always so sweet and tells me that if I’m not sure he’ll never mention it again. He also said that we don’t have to do it with a girl and that we can find a guy instead if I’m not comfortable with another girl and if I want it. I feel bad for being so insecure about it because he’s been so sweet and always does his best to make me feel happy, I want to do that for him too.

Anyhow, I’m just hoping someone can give me some wise advice on how to calm down. I’m not completely against the idea, it’s just that I’m insecure, I do trust my boyfriend, I just want that way less when I’m not aroused than when I am if anything I just said makes sense. 🥲

TLDR: My boyfriend wants to have a threesome and I do too, but I’m insecure and don’t know what to do.

  1. Married guy who occasionally engages in multiple partner sex with my wife.

    Nothing to feel bad about here. Sharing your partner is a tough thing to do and sometimes (often actually) the fantasy is better than reality. That said, you don’t and shouldn’t rush into it because it sounds fun. Talk about it, share your expectations, your boundaries, and your fears, then talk about it some more.

    If you decide to do it, I recommend building at least a casual connection with the person. It makes everyone feel more comfortable. Have a similar discussion as above with them too. During the act, check in with each other and discuss afterwards. You may have feelings of jealousy and that’s OK but try to put it in the context of what you talked about before. If you like it, great, you can do it more easily next time. If you don’t, remember that you did it together as an experiment/experience and keep loving each other.

    Good luck!

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