What chores were you assigned growing up? Were certain jobs reserved for you and other jobs for your siblings?

  1. I was an only child. I helped wash dishes, cut grass, clean my room, help with big cleaning jobs

  2. Dishes, cleaning, looking after animals, washing car, mowing lawn, watering garden, helping with cooking. None of it was solely up to us and we weren’t paid or anything, it was all a group effort. I played a much larger role than my brothers in looking after our youngest sibling, but that’s because I adored her and loved doing it 😂

  3. We just had to put away our toys and tidy up after ourselves. Not exactly chores per se… but that was the only thing we were expected to do. No difference between siblings.

  4. I did a lot of childcare. (I’m the eldest of 5.) My younger siblings did far less because the need didn’t exist.

  5. Dishes and vacuuming mainly, nothing too crazy, my older brother did all the other stuff like cutting grass.

  6. I’m the oldest of 3, so….all of them.

    My sister and brother sometimes had to help, but if they didn’t, then my parents didn’t really care.

    Because I’m the oldest, it was basically my job from the time I was about 6 to take care of my siblings (who are 2 1/2 yrs and about 6 yrs younger than I am) as well as do all the household chores–laundry, sweeping/mopping, vacuuming, dishes, straightening/tidying up,cleaning the bathrooms.

    I spent a year living with my grandparents after my mom got divorced while she kept my sister, got pregnant with my brother, attempted to get her shit together and ended up getting married to a guy she dated like 3X before he asked her to marry her. When I came home, my new stepdad (who I didn’t even know existed before that) was like “You’re the oldest. So all this…is now your job. Your mom is too busy working to take care of you and your sister and brother and the house and everything. I am too busy also, and I am a man, so this is not my job anyway. You get ONE dollar a week for allowance, so you better keep this house up to my standards or else.”

    Once I was tall enough to reach the knobs on the stove, cooking all the meals became my job also. When I was big enough to handle a lawn mower (around age 10ish), I had to start mowing the yard as well.

    It made me angry and resentful that I had to do everything and if anything was dirty, messed up, not cleaned up properly it was all my fault even if my siblings had made the mess in the first place.

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