Going on 3 years of marriage and nearly 6 years together. It’s getting boring and non existent in bed. We are not that even old (27F, 31M). Been having lots of fights. I need more friends to talk to about our marriage and who can relate. Anyone?

1 comment
  1. Familiarity breeds contempt. 🙂

    Very common, and very fixable assuming you’re both still basically willing and compatible. There are a shitload of books about this but you do have to kind of actively tackle the problem together. Go on dates. Be intentional about it. Get to know each other even better. Don’t expect what you had in the beginning. It can be better than that, if different.

    I’m also a big fan of the whole “act as if” strategy, that shit works. You both have to be doing it on purpose.

    That 5-7 year mark is where the doubt can really peak for some of us. You have a bit of a crisis, and hopefully come out as sort of a different couple than you were before.

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