Lows in the negative teens if you factor in wind chill for my area. I’ve never experienced something this cold.

  1. I saw this post and looked at some forecasts around the country. That’s crazy. Thursday a lot of places are supposed to go from around 40° to 5° in about 12 hours! The chill is even getting down to Texas and Florida!

  2. -20, with wind chills of -30 to -45. A few years ago we got to -37 without wind chill, so it’ll be cold but still not the worst i’ve ever been in.

  3. The actual temperature is supposed to get down to about 5°F with a wind chill that looks around -10°F. Cold but not unusual for the area. The blowing snow is going to suck for Christmas travel though.

  4. It’s -41° with windchill right now where I’m at. I do not want to walk out to my car in a couple hours. At least I don’t work outside. My finger literally went numb just putting the gas pump into the tank last night.

  5. We’re looking at going from 50 to 3 with rain and/or a wintery mix predicted during the night.

  6. Weirdly enough Maine where I am seems to only be going down to 19F. We seem to kind of be missing it. It’s supposed to be 55 and raining on Friday.

  7. We’re forecast for -6 at the coldest with projected wind chills as low as -30, and lows around zero with highs in the single digits through Monday morning. From there it “warms up” to the 20s.

    I’m glad I’m escaping to Cabo.

  8. Central NC.

    It’s going to get into the teens at night for two days. Very mild compared to places like Wisconsin. The extraordinary part is that it is predicted to not go above freezing even when the sun is up, which is very unusual for here.

  9. It’ll only be 15 here at worst and probably only just like that at night or early in the morning.

    Some days show a low of 17 and a high of 56. Others a low of 15 and a high of 25. Cold but we’ve seen worse here and it isn’t even going to snow. The two days where the storm rolls by here will have highs well into the 50s so it’ll just be December rain, a few nippy days, then back to average temps hovering around freezing for us

  10. Where I live, it’s supposed to drop from a high of 41 on Thursday to a high of 19 the next day. Saturday’s high is projected to be 14 and Sunday’s is 13. We’re not supposed to get much snow; it’s the 50mph wind gusts that will make this storm dangerous.

  11. In Louisville, ky predicts 48 to 2 on Thursday. High of 9 to lows of 4 to 0 (predictions vary between stations) on Friday (-15 to -25 windchill), heat wave Saturday up to 12 to 19. Cold weather is early this year.








  12. I have family already planning to cancel Christmas plans. This was laughable to me. I said we would travel to them instead.

    It’ll be cold, but that’s winter. I personally enjoy it.

  13. Chicago area: -5f low, 2f high, wind and snow. After we dig out, we’re driving to my cousin’s house in Manhattan on Sunday where there’s nothing to block the wind except, maybe a stray deer 😳. So, yeah. Brrr.

  14. Not that bad, we’re not supposed to get much snow, but very weird weather – it’s supposed to go from almost 60 to ~15 degrees in the span of 12 hours

  15. Supposed to get down to 1F. I’d guess the windchill will put it around -20F. The worst part is the quick change because you’re body didn’t adjust. My body is going to be used to 30-40 temps, so 1F will feel worse. Planning to bundle up and use my cat to keep me warm inside unless the cat picks my spouse’s lap.

  16. First I’m hearing of this, I guess it’s not affecting my area because my weather app is calling for 50 degrees and rainy

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