What kind of drunk are you?

  1. It varies: 50% of the time I’m a happy sociable drunk, 50% depressed super mood killer drunk.

  2. I was drunk exactly once and I was a loud, miserable drunk who hated the situation. Never did that again, I’m loud and miserable enough while sober thanks.

  3. There are many different types of drunks, depending on how alcohol affects them. Some people get happy and chatty when they drink, while others become more aggressive or even violent. Some people have no control over their drinking and end up blacking out, while others can drink in moderation without any problems.

  4. the “i love everyone, next round’s on me” kind of drunk. Which, while not great for my liver, is even worse for my bank account.

  5. I get a little more social that’s it, pretty much the same person. I’m reserved and people say “I bet you would do it if you were drunk”. Nope, I don’t lose my self control or self awareness.

    I also handle my alcohol well, my metabolism is so high I don’t have hangovers, I’m hung over during the night but the next morning I’m fine.

  6. Happy, better listener, more social/at ease and philosophical drunk

    I’m always pretty damn conscious and aware of my behavior/thoughts when I’m drunk. I’m not one of those obnoxious drunks that gets sloppy, acts a fool, or monopolizes a conversation, interaction, or social setting.

  7. Zero inhibitions and willing to do anything. Consequences have no space in my mind when I’m wasted. Ironically, decided to go sober today.

  8. The sweet drunk that starts braiding bitches hair in the bathroom telling them how perfect they are:)

  9. Aggressive? I will play along with you till you say no then play a little more for fun as long as it’s nothing serious.

  10. Minimal difference. I maintain my ability to make rational decisions, judgement, make sense while talking. I just begin to stutter and may take a little longer to withdraw info when thinking.

  11. I actually don’t change that much. I slur my words a bit and maybe speak louder but my personality same basically the same. Which I’m grateful for.

  12. With good people, happy, more energetic, talkative, fun. By myself, like that for about an hour, then depressed and angry. Don’t really drink much at all anymore. Don’t like getting drunk.

  13. I’m drunk right now, so I can give a great prospective👌. I’m about the good vibes more them anything else rigjt now. I still care about your feelings, but I just eant a good time. All of my problems, I give no shits about. I just want the good vibes.

  14. 95% of the time: happy drunk.

    Other 5%, when someone annoys me or threatens a friend: aggressive drunk.

  15. Functioning drunk. I don’t drink often but last time I did drink with other people, not only did I out drink them all. But was helping the host clean up while the others had passed out drunk.

  16. I’ll tell you all about what its like to drink to total obliteration daily for 8 years if you want to hear a sad story. Though I never said anything too rude to reconcile.

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