Yes, dogs. As in domesticated canines.

I once saw the documentary “In Debt We Trust”, and one of the women being interviewed said that her dog got a letter on the mail saying that he was pre-approved for a credit card.

Is that really a thing that can happen in the U.S? A dog getting a pre-approved letter for a credit card? How would that even happen?

The documentary is available on YouTube (minute 22:46).


  1. No. You would have to apply for a credit card which requires a social security card. The documentary is bullshit.
    Now I can see someone putting in a false name to a credit service and getting “pre-approved” for a credit card.

  2. No this doesn’t happen except by accident.

    Somewhere there was a clerical error and the dog’s name got put in as the owners name most likely. The dog would not be able to get a credit card without a valid social security number and other information the dog does not have.

    And looking at the clip it seems like these people deliberately filled out false information for their dog.

  3. My dog has gotten junk mail before.

    It’s almost certainly because my wife put the “ship-to” name of our dog food subscription to the dog’s name. That list must have been sold to someone, and now the mutt gets spam.

    As far as I can tell, “pre-approved” is just meaningless text they print on those credit card “offers”

  4. The documentary seems to indicate they filled out false information for their dog.

    But “pre-approval” doesn’t really mean anything. It’s more of a marketing gimmick to encourage people to apply for a credit card.

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