Edit: and if there’s any back stories feel free to tell us 🙂

  1. If you always have to be the bigger man, you’re hanging out with some small ass people.

  2. “Words mean everything”

    I once pulled him up on his exacting use of language and he explained to me that it’s often very difficult to say exactly what you mean. It’s easy to fudge your expression and incur an unintended outcome or interpretation. He taught me it’s worth working hard on how you use your words to cultivate understanding and empathy and to demonstrate that you have that for others.

    Pretty good for a foster dad.

  3. “Figure it out” was his favorite saying. My father would let me struggle- For hours on end. I was mad about it back then, but it taught me how to solve problems and that I’m far more capable than I imagined. I love him for it. He also made me do chores without an allowance because life is full of shit you don’t want to do, but have to. He also taught me how to earn, and I started mowing lawns at 12. Bought my first car at 15 years of age and pushed it home from the back of the neighborhood while he steered. Bought my first house when I was 23. All with no financial help from my parents. He cried when he saw the house. He was so proud. I’m 26 now. I love my parents for all they taught me, and the discipline I have because of my upbringing.

  4. No matter the circumstances, you fight. Harder. Life is kind to those who never give up. My dad was born in an unfair condition. But he worked harder than he ever has. And now he has a stable happy life with a family he treasures.

  5. You will have a lot of problems in life, do everything you can to make sure that money isn’t one of those problems

  6. Always hope for the best, but you better prepare for the worst, that way you are always pleasantly surprised .

  7. Never slam the door. I slammed a door when I was six because I was mad about something.

    My father made me gently close the door 600 times before I could eat dinner.

    He told me, “the way you leave the room is more important than the way you come in; always let someone’s last impression of you be the best it could ever be.”


    I thought he was making stuff up, but it’s really paid off for me throughout my life.

  8. Don’t drink when you’re unhappy/stressed or in a bad mood. Drink when you’re happy.

    He does not remember but that is one that stuck with me.

  9. Dont be a dummy cum on her tummy. Dont be a fool make her drool. Dont be a fool wrap your tool.

  10. Selling drugs is easy. Working an actual job is hard but more satisfying and you will probably earn more money in the long run, that you will actually be able to do stuff with and enjoy.

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