Me and my wife have been married almost 3 years now. This year has been extremely tough with me being extremely sick and not really being able to keep a job. But even before that I basically was having to beg for sex it’s gotten to the point I feel very insecure and even feel ashamed with myself anytime I ask or try to initiate sex. What can I do if anything??

  1. I think every long term relationship runs into this at some point. For my wife and I it was when we had kids. Sex slows down and it slows down more for one person. My wife and I had a conversation about it and we found times that worked for our schedules. Sex wasn’t spontaneous anymore, but it got rid of the rejection. To make it spontaneous you can change where you have sex, what position/positions, how long, etc…

  2. Married for 3 years also. Together for 7. We are in the same spot. I’m the one who never wants to anymore. I think its a combo of getting older, my autism/sensory overwhelm, and lack of pleasure on my end. We are working on finding ways for me to also enjoy and not have it feel like a chore. Going ok so far. Just need to feel more confident and express my needs. I’d recommend at least 1 time a week where you both agree to make time for this. We recently introduced using a toy and I’m actually enjoying sex again. Maybe you could try that with her if you haven’t already?

  3. Very little information to go off of. What if anything have you tried? What have talks looked like about why your spouse doesn’t want more sex? How sick have you been? I imagine if you are so sick you can’t hold a job is helping out here at all. Are you taking care of things on the domestic front?

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