I am not sure where to find help with my situation, so here we go.
For context, I recently finished the process of a full mouth restoration, meaning all 28 of my teeth are now capped with either crowns and veneers. Basically, this was the final stage of my 6 year TMJ treatment.

My teeth are about twice as long, which means I can only feel the upper part of the tooth. The lower half I cannot feel, and this has caused some problems giving oral to my boyfriend. My jaw can only open so wide, and this has made it more difficult to perform. I believe I am biting him without realizing it.
My real teeth are still there, they are not dentures so I cannot take then out.
Any advice on how to adjust to this? I would like to give proper blow job’s again without causing him pain.

  1. Take this as you will, but I’m a dentist and can answer part of this with some valid insight.

    Your jaw needs time to adjust to the new bite relationship. Usually, people do very well with compensating for the changes, but it will take months. Ligaments have to stretch, and muscles have to adapt. Much like your speech has likely been temporarily affected.

    Short of wrapping his cock in chain mail, I would suggest seeking out some physical therapy exercises online, or with a physical therapist. It will speed up the process. It took years to get in that condition, and will likely take months to fully restore your jaw function.

    I wish you well on your journey, but take heart, it likely isn’t forever.

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