Any sort of keepsakes they have of yours?

  1. I have given my wife a ring with our initials engraved on it to remind her of me when I am away.

  2. During his first deployment I became fast friends with his battle buddy’s girlfriend. We went to a fair or something and won tiny little stuffed animals doing some fair game. So we sent them the stuffies and a picture of us cheesin it up thinking they’d get a kick out of it. Then they start sending us pictures of their stuffies wherever they went, in their assault vehicle…stuffed in their pockets…in their room. It was like a whole thing that deployment. It was sweet.

    He gave me abandonment issues…and a kid. So…I guess he won? Lol.

  3. My first thing was a hand written note that I framed and set on her night stand. The note said “DONT FORGET ABOUT ME!” So she would remember to call me.

    Now for Christmas I’m getting her a special body pillow. She sleeps with a body pillow usually. But im getting her one with a custom cover that has a picture of me on it on both sides. So now when she goes to bed, she’ll be hugging a 52″ pillow of me!

  4. A complex web of dastardly riddles, everyone more dastardly than the next. Like an egg hunt designed by loveless Ai, hell bent on eliciting feelings of despair and confusion for the sick fans in the live streaming chat. I time the completion of the last puzzle with my return, unlocking the front door saying “Honey, I am a home.” To canned laughter played out of speakers in my kneepads.

    She loves a puzzle.

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