what’s some juicey gossip from your real life that you can’t share with anyone else?

  1. Two teammates are on the verge of a breakup with each other and two teammates are on their way to becoming a couple.

  2. i’ll start. in my sorority one of the higher ups hates her roommates but claims to be bestfriends. she secretly has been sleeping with her boyfriend for a little over a month at this point. the worst part in about a week ago they all got super fucked up in their place after a party and she “pretended” to choke her, went a little too far with it and ended up making the girl pass out. the same girl who’s boyfriends she’s sleeping with. same girl who she’s been “bestfriends” with since middle school.

  3. A friend and her kids didn’t move back home to Romania because she was homesick, it’s cause she found out her husband was cheating on her when he gave her an STD

  4. My two best friends, both married, have both had affairs. Their partners are very good friends of mine, but my lips are sealed forever.

  5. This isn’t something we’d tell people, but my husband and I recently stopped using all forms of birth control and are actively trying for our first child

  6. My friend’s boyfriend should definitely leave her, but my god for some reason he stays with her. She’s a good friend but treats her boyfriend like trash.

  7. My boss is getting ready to buy another business, from an ex /psuedo friend of his, but the friend doesn’t know. They no longer technically own the business, they put all the assets and stuff in the partners name, then fucked off and has had nothing to do with it for the past year. The partners spouse was diagnosed with cancer and they had to quit their regular job to be there for them, and have no time to run this business as well, nevermind that the first partner doesn’t pay their bills and collectors are constantly calling for money owed from partner 2.

    Partner 2 has been begging partner 1 to come back in town to figure out a solution, and they always say they will and never do. So partner 2, who legally owns everything bc partner 1’s credit was so bad if they didn’t do it this way they’d lose everything, is selling the business and not telling partner 1 until after it’s happened.

    And besides the lawyers, only 5 of us know. It’s going to be this huge scandal and coop when it comes to light.

  8. My best friend’s sister’s dad isn’t her biological father. She is 40 years old and the whole family has been keeping this secret her entire life. Except for my best friend. She told me. And now I’m telling everyone here.

  9. I don’t know if my best friend is aware, but her fiance loves those cheesy Hallmark Christmas romance movies, which I think is adorable.

  10. My brother is proposing to his girlfriend of five years next month!!!! Such a hard secret to keep but I can’t WAIT for her to be part of the family

  11. I babysit for this family, and know that the dad is cheating on his wife.
    Also, the girl he’s cheating with is also cheating on her BF with him.
    (Or maybe they are all in open relationships hahah idk)

  12. My husband’s brother married a big weirdo that is a chronic liar. I have caught her in lies, she’s lied to me about things that I’ve been present for, and now people she works with have reached out to me to tell me she’s lying at work. These aren’t white lies but significant enough that people get upset about. I tell my husband everything but beyond this I can’t tell anyone without risking looking like a weirdo myself talking about my sister in law.

  13. – my boss is cheating on his wife with several younger women.

    Every time he asks me to wire money to a bank account I don’t recognize (managing his finances is part of my job and I’m familiar with the usual parties we do business with), he leaves the office using the company car and comes back after an hour or so. When he gets back he does a quick wash up before coming back to his desk. At one point a former employee who works in a hotel now found out that my boss uses the hotel to meet up with his mistresses. The former employee oversees the CCTVs in the hotel and has photos of my boss riding the elevator with these women and shared these photos to a group chat several employees including former ones are a part of. My boss’s wife is convinced he’s cheating on her and wants to sue him or something but doesn’t have enough evidence. She doesnt know everyone in the office knows (because of the group chat). Nobody’s saying anything because we’re sure she’d set the office on fire or something and we’d all lose our jobs if she finds out.

  14. My 20 year old coworker has a crush on our 50-ish year old boss lol

    Coworker has a boyfriend and boss is married, so I don’t think anything is gonna happen, but it was so funny seeing her get all giddy around him at the company party.

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