I know that every once in a while your mind can wander but constantly thinking about other people is a little out of the ordinary. He says he is stressed out because of this as well. How can we navigate this? How do I not let this get to my self confidence? We have an awesome sex life otherwise.

For context we have been dating for more than three years and we started having problems about a year ago where my bf admitted to thinking about everyone sexually and fantasizing about them and said he masturbated thinking about one of my friends.

Tl;DR bf thinks about other people during sex

  1. i mean its one thing to go to the “highlight reel” or to think about people you dont know but it sounds like he is crossing what would be a line of mine at the very least.

  2. that’s a relationship killer. Find someone smart enough not to say something like that to you. I would not sleep with a guy ever again if he told me that. 💔

  3. He told you he masturbated thinking about one of your friends. How can you even think that could be normal.
    Every time you have sex you must be wondering who he’s imagining this time. Tell him you are not a proxy and dump the idiot.

  4. How did this even come up/why did he even tell you this? It wouldn’t be an issue if you didn’t know…Some things should be kept to yourself. This would also destroy my confidence. I don’t know if he would be able to stop and even if he is able to stop, you will continue to wonder if he’s thinking about someone else.

  5. Oh my god…I feel for you. I’m sorry, hes dumb. Honestly I would ignore him for a little while. Like a week don’t write him back. Its not ethical but it makes dudes act right.

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