women of reddit, how often do you wash your hair and what is your hair type?

  1. Every other day. Thick long hair but I work in a kitchen so can’t be doing with smelly hair

  2. I co-wash every other day and shampoo it as needed(if it feels like it’s getting too oily or if I get something in my hair, for example. That usually means 3-4 times a month of shampooing I wanna say) I have straight hair closer to my scalp and then it transitions to 2C closer to the tips. The length goes down to the bottom of my shoulder blades.

  3. Medium length fine straight hair. I wash my hair almost everyday because it gets greasy easily and I workout/get sweaty everyday.

  4. Usually once a week, and sometimes I forget. Tryna aim to two times per week lol. My hair is short and mostly straight.

  5. Once or twice a week and my hair type is stubborn. It’s occasionally curly/wavy and down to my boobs.

  6. I have fine 2b/2c curls with some corkscrews thrown in there for some chaotic measure. I keep it long, currently to my midback. I wash it up to three times a week and will do a rinse or cowash on inbetween days if I feel gross. I probably could do less because my curls are prone to dryness but I hate over using products because of sensory issues so I just keep it ultra clean.

  7. Everyday. Long fine oily hair. I workout daily and sweat a bunch. I have pretty oily hair to begin with so after a day if not washing I’m a grease ball.

  8. I typically wash my hair every other day. I have long, naturally wavy, but fine hair.

  9. I have long, fine straight hair. Before COVID I washed it every other day, since being home that much, 2 tiles a week works fine. And it still looks well after 3 days.

    When I’m working in my renovations or go out to sport, I wash it then as well. So in total usually 3 times a week.

  10. Shoulder short type 1a hair. Wash it minimum three times, smths more if i work out, work a long shift or have an important event on a day that’s not my typical wash day.

  11. At least once a day! If I don’t, I could fry bacon with my hair lol I’m half Mexican half white so I have a ton of hair (straight!)

  12. About every 2 days, but if starts looking a little greasy before then I’ll wash it. I have very thick wavy hair.

  13. Twice or three times a week, natural straight thin hair. Probably use conditioner a few times a month.

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