My friend was almost homeless through much of the pandemic and is now starting to get back on her feet. I work with her too in a different department. Anyways, she gets a good hourly rate and is trying to work as much as possible. She’s literally working 80-100 a week now. She looks like she’s about to breakdown and cry all the time. I told her, hey you need to work less. She’s like “you just don’t support me” or something. Anyways I’m past hurtful things said to me and ready to just let whatever happen happen. The thing is I worry about her. She’s starting to do things (nothing illegal) and let things slide that could get her fired. But I worry if she could bounce back from that. But I can’t keep covering for her and potentially lose my job. That’s not that really as much as I would just like her to be healthier and happier. She doesn’t have any friends or family really. I know her anger right now, (she’s snapping on everyone at work), comes from stress and hurt. I just can’t say “you need to chill”.

TLDR… friend (30F) working herself to death and worried where all this will lead and what to do about it. I know “there’s nothing I can do”…but what CAN I do. Thanks

1 comment
  1. It’s hard to watch your friend do this to herself, I get it. If you’ve tried to talk with her and gotten nowhere, all you can do is wait for her to burn completely out and be there for her when she does. Disconnect yourself from her work patterns — stop covering for her, let this play out without your involvement. Then be ready to help when she’s ready to make some changes.

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