I’m having a really hard time standing up for myself and it’s really starting to get to me. I always feel like I’m being walked all over and I never know how to assert myself. It’s especially hard when I’m in a group setting or when I’m around people who are more confident or assertive than I am.

I know that standing up for myself is important and that it’s something that I need to work on, but I just don’t know where to start. I’ve tried a few different things, like speaking up in meetings or trying to be more assertive in my everyday interactions, but it never seems to work out for me.

Has anyone else had this problem before? If so, what did you do to overcome it? I’m really looking for some advice and support on this one.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer

1 comment
  1. I will give you one tip that help me to start speaking up, so you gonna run a bath ,think of all the stuff that hurt you then put your head under water and let out a big scream ! Do it until you feel you are done.

    I guarantee you it’s a good relieve, you will feel better and slowly you will want to talk back! Learn to say no, no more pleasing, if someone hurt you told them without apologizing because they are to one who have crosses the line, don’t feel sorry anymore for those who intentionally hurt you, put boundaries and follow them, don’t be scare to end a friendship without explain because the actions have said everything, go after what you want and good for you, don’t let people manipulate you or force you doing stuff, pursuit happiness,… and step by step you will be able to put yourself first without guilt!

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