What is something people misunderstand about you?

  1. I think people think I’m colder than I really am. I am very shy initially and some people read that as unfriendly.

  2. I’ve had some people assume that since I’m a religious Christian, I must also be politically conservative. I am not. I was raised as a liberal Protestant and am very left-leaning and progressive-minded.

  3. That me being an introvert means I am antisocial. Always surprises me when people talk to me and say “You are so cool. I thought you were mean”……😑😞

  4. That I’m very sharing open and honest BUT there’s only a few people who know me to my utmost core. You can’t trust everyone with everything

  5. Biggest misunderstanding is usually people thinking I’m scary and don’t like talking to people. I have a very intimidating look because I’m 6’2″, kinda muscular, and wear goth/punk fashion & makeup. But I’m really just very shy and introverted, so I have trouble approaching people and breaking the ice. After conversations get going people tend to figure out I’m really very easy-going and love chatting.

    Also as a combination of my looks and some of my big visible hobbies (gaming, heavy metal, sex work, kink) people tend to assume I’m probably crass and irreverent. I’m actually really well mannered and polite, and love a lot of fine arts and “high class” stuff. People are often surprised to find out I’m well educated, and love mathematics, linguistics, botany, and that golf is one of my favorite sports to play!

  6. I tend to be a little withdrawn at first. Not as bad as I used to be but it’s not because I’m unsocial. I’m just a little shy.

  7. That the long skirt doesn’t make me a Mormon and that my “sweet” face doesn’t make me innocent. People are so shocked when they hear me say the foulest shit lol

  8. People always assume I’m a ditzy airhead blonde and I have no idea why. The amount of times I’ve heard someone say “you’re so much smarter than I thought you’d be” or “you’re way more articulate that I would’ve guessed” is such a backhanded compliment that I immediately want to get away from said person. Unfortunately most of the time it’s from a patient sitting in my office with my degrees hanging on the fucking wall.

  9. I think people often misunderstand my intentions. I am a very honest person and sometimes people mistake my honesty for rudeness.

  10. No, I’m not religious because I’m a virgin. No, I don’t necessarily want to be friends with you just because I’m friendly and talkative. No, I’m not flirting with you either. Yes, I can be seemingly happy and relaxed outwards and still suffer from mental illness.

  11. People think I’m unhappy, because I’m stressed.

    But…I haven’t been happier. I just need to push through these few months, keeping my two jobs while finishing my bachelor’s, because afterwards I’ll really need the jobs.
    Days and weeks can be long, I do get exhausted, but it feels manageable 97% of the time. And when I’m overwhelmed my boyfriend is here for me.
    I’m grateful to be able to study and work and have such a great support system.

  12. When i’m mad or talk about something that makes me upset, a lot of people often try to solve my problems instead of just listening. Like I don’t always want a solution to my problems. I just want to be heard and listened to

  13. That I’m ‘submissive’, demure, quiet, sweet or a pushover because I’m petite and look younger than I am.

  14. My friends tell me I give off a very rude and off putting vibe initially because I can be blunt and “too confident”. But once you get to know me, I’m pretty down to earth, harmless, will bend over backwards for friends, and will always back you up if you needed me. I’m the friend that will tell you the truth if you really want to hear it, and no one else will tell you.

  15. The fact that I’m quiet and don’t go out of my way to talk to new people means I’m a stuck up B. I’m just super shy and awkward with new people and everyone is always surprised to hear about my social anxiety. Once people get to know me I’m told how nice and thoughtful I am but never had someone think that off the hop.

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