Almost every time I’m in a queue in a bar, or sports event, a guy introduces himself to me. I’m always friendly and always assume this is because I’m funny, or because I use ridiculous hats. I am interested in hearing if men are primarily motivated by appearance or if the will genuinely introduce themselves because the girl sounds genuinely cool.

  1. Answer: Generally speaking, men will introduce themselves to women in a social situation if they are attracted to them in some way. This could be based on a physical attraction, or because they find the girl interesting or funny. Men may also introduce themselves because they want to start a conversation and get to know the woman better. Ultimately, the answer to this question varies from person to person, as every man has different triggers and motivations.

  2. “… in a social situation”

    Let’s see. What do we all expect in a “social situation”? We are a very social species. Why would someone not introduce themselves in a “social situation”?

  3. I just hate the idea of courting a woman. When I was in school it was easy to date because I’d ask out the girls I sat with or partnered up with. Now it’s triggering just to strike up a conversation from thin air

  4. As in starting the conversation with someone I don’t know? I never do. If someone tells me I should talk to her because we have mutual friends or interests then sure. Other part of that is I am also happily married and not looking to make friends with a woman who is or may be single, or married. That’s a recipe for disaster.

  5. If I’m in proximity to someone while we’re waiting on something then I will talk to them, that’s all there is to it. At socials events, like parties, I tend to talk to people that I don’t recognize.

  6. I generally won’t talk to any stranger, man or woman, unless I have something very specific to ask or talk about. I would have to know something about her. And it would have to be something I’m already interested in. I am no good at starting a discussion from nothing. A ridiculous hat could be a good starting point. Maybe. More likely it would be a T-shirt indicating a common interest or something.

    Her being cute helps.

  7. I don’t. If I go out at all, I mind my own business.

    I have had enough experience over the years to know that people generally don’t like it when I walk up to them and talk to them.

    Besides, I don’t want to be thought of as creepy or weird.

  8. They wanna smash, 100%, every time.

    There are lots of friendly and funny men too, yet men won’t introduce each other to men “all the time”.

  9. Triggers? Buzz word. Hey we got a buzz word user here. Look at the buzz word kid trying to talk like an adult. Buwahahahaha

  10. 1) I’m attracted to her
    2) She has given me a long look or smile or has indicated interest in some way.

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