I recently started getting out into the world. A couple years ago, you could probably classify me as a depressed shut in. Since I started working and furthering my education that has changed. Now, I have a few friends from work and college, plus I recently started a relationship. Things are going great for me but I’m still awkward and confused.

A big issue for me is social media. I hardly ever use accounts that are of my real life self. I created an instagram account and a few of my coworkers sought it out and followed me. Others haven’t but I’d like to connect with them.

I guess what I’m asking is: should I wait for them to get in contact with me or should I contact them? Is it stalkerish or forced if I start following/adding people from my day to day?

I could really use some advice from someone who is good at networking.

1 comment
  1. Anyone that has a public profile, feel free to follow. Private, I would only follow people you’re close with and talk outside of work.

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