I came in my GF mouth when she asked, she said it tasted bad. My last two girlfriends I did this as a regular thing, with one even loving the taste. I have gotten out of shape a little since then. Could this be it? Any suggestions on how to make it taste better for her?

  1. Drink plenty of water, if you consume tobacco and coffee either stop or cut down by a lot, eat pineapple along with other fresh produce, let some time pass and then see if she notices any difference or not

  2. Your Ex lied , sorry. Girls, i am sure i speak the truth For a lot of Girls, dont love the Taste. They love the Situation with you, the feeling. Come on, its not chocolate.
    BUT yes there are differences, reduce your Meat, Alcohol, Fat Consume, Then she can enjoy it.

  3. As a girl we lie. Nothing kills the mood or undoes the pleasure you give like telling a guy he doesn’t taste good/is small/ isn’t good at it ect… so we don’t. We act. Faking Os, making lots of noise and saying it tastes good can feel like part of our duty

  4. Hi! As a girl I think changing your diet should help! I love swallowing my hubby’s load even on the days he tastes more bitter. However, it’s more appealing for me, and I’m more willing to play with it in my mouth before swallowing, if he eats healthy and drinks lots of water. Also you should be eating better to help with your sperm because you can throw her pH balance off down there and cause a smell. Totally normal and easy to deal with but it’s embarrassing for some girls. Every girl is different! Don’t think your exes were lying because your current girl doesn’t like it. Some just love swallowing haha! Hope this helps both of you:)

  5. Semen is an acquired taste, quite literally.

    Even if the chemical composition of your spunk was *exactly the same* between now vs. when you were with other people, the person on the receiving end isn’t going to have the same taste buds. Some people like bitter or sour flavors, other people *hate* them. That’s just how their taste buds work.

    So while there are things you can do to alter the taste, just be prepared for a situation where it doesn’t matter what you do, it still might taste “bad” for reasons beyond your control.

  6. Water and a balanced diet. If you’ve been consuming alot of bitter stuff recently(coffee, green veggies, etc) this will do it

  7. Definitely being less healthy will contribute. Being hyper hydrated and drinking lots of coconut water and pineapple juice will help.

    I’ve had days where I was told it’s incredibly sweet, and other days it was repulsive. Hydration is key!

    Had a beautiful transwoman who I’m falling in love with come in my mouth last weekend (something I’ve wanted for the longest time) and hers tasted incredibly sweet.

  8. Pineapple juice, cherries, plenty of water, fruit, just eat a bit more healthy, less caffeine and more water:) but I would also let her know if it tastes bad it’s OK to spit it out!

  9. I’ve never liked the taste no matter who it was from or what shape they were in or what their diet was. It taste sour and gross. I think because it’s not meant to be delicious lol it’s meant to go in a vagina not a mouth. But I wouldn’t take it personally- maybe try tasting it yourself so you know what it’s like.

  10. In my opinion it’s impossible to find high-quality studies with trustable results. A lot of what everyone here is finding through. Google is pretty over quoted Internet stuff…

    You can still follow some basic precautions by avoiding overly bitter foods like coffee and brassica vegetables. Pineapple seems to be the most cited fruit, you can try it, it certainly can’t hurt.

    There does seem to be a loose correlation to physical fitness and taste but it’s weak.

    Avoiding meats and fats is frankly garbage. If you are cardiovascularly healthy, you do not need to avoid these important sources of nutrients in your diet. The short version is eat fruits and vegetables, don’t over consume overly better things and have good health.

  11. It could defo be it. Guys that eat healthy and drink plenty of water, taste way better, in my experience

  12. I always find it weird when people are like, surprised that their other person, or sex partner didn’t like the cum.

    I don’t think they are supposed to like it. It think having your other get sticky and have nasty pilthy cum in their mouth…i think that is part of the degrading process that makes the cuddle afterwards when you both are covered with cum, inside and outside, so much better. Make sure you’ve got some pussy cum in your mouth too.

  13. My ex wife hated mine. I’ve had no complaints otherwise. Everyone is different and has different tastes.

  14. Different people have different preferences! The people saying “girls lie to make you feel good” are obviously wrong—lots of people love the taste/experience of their partner coming in their mouth. I personally can’t stand it. Nothing to do with diet or anything, I just completely hate it in my mouth so my husband pulls out before he comes if I’m giving him a blowjob. Your girlfriend might just not like cum in her mouth!

  15. There is a lot of good advice on getting in shape, eating better and so on. That is great, go for it. However, it may be the case that your GF does not like the taste of semen and she might never like it, no matter how well you eat.

    It is fine for her not to like it. There is plenty of fun you could have in the bedroom without her eating your semen. If it is a deal-breaker for you, also fine.

  16. I think what we eat and the general state of our health affects its taste. For example at one time I was eating a lot of mushrooms and I was told that I tasted of them.

    Just drink a lot of water every day. And if you are up to it try tasting your own to see what your poor gf is up against.

  17. Some might disagree with me but personally speaking drunk some pineapple juice before sex and drink it several times a week. My partner says mine tastes sweet. It’s all dependent on your diet.

  18. Haha it probably does- don’t make her feel bad about it lol I couldn’t see myself drinking my partners squirt..

  19. My bf jerks off daily and his cum tastes alright, reacently he wanted to wait a few days so he can give me a bigger load and it tasted awful, like bitter spolied milk and its like that all the time if he doesnt do it for a few days and for the life of me i cant figure out why

  20. My partners cum tastes different each time I swear. If he’s dehydrated or he’s already cum recently it’s vile. If all is well it tastes quite nice.

  21. Smoking, coffee and energy drinks gonna make it taste like battery acid. If she tells you the taste is off, best believe it’s fucking awful

  22. You need to take care of yourself everything’s better when you take care of yourself including your cum

  23. Dude. Pineapples bro. It makes it sweet. I get told this ALL the time. Pineapple juice, pineapples. do it. Give it a few days.

  24. Your cum will never taste like anything other than cum at its best. At it’s worse tho, it CAN taste rancid.

    Drink more water, make sure you’re STI free, and eat a balanced diet, and it should help

  25. You are what you eat! More fruits, more sweet things means sweeter cum. Not enough water, and plenty of salty, savory things, means salty cum.

    Alcohol, drugs, smoking, coffee, makes for bitter cum.

    Hence the whole, “cum tastes like pineapple if you have enough of it.” It’s not really a lie. Just means you need a LOT of pineapple.

    Drink plenty of water, have a fruit rich diet, cut down on the savory foods and salt, and eliminate alcohol, smoking, drugs and coffee if possible.

    It’ll go from yucky to straight up nectar.

    Edit: Oh and while not everyone may be comfortable with this, I highly recommend it:

    Taste it yourself. See what you taste like so you know what you’re working with, what you need to do, and see how much progress you’ve made.

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