Hi guys, I M22 just got a job at Carl’s Jr until I ship out for the Marine Core in March and I was curious what tips you guys can give me to be a good employee. Also for some context my only jobs have consisted of food prep and dishwashing so I didn’t need to be the best conversationalist. So what do you guys think, is being a cashier hard and do I need to be a people person?

  1. Being a cashier can be hard because it’s just non-stop work every second, from getting the food bagged, taking orders, restocking, handling request, taking more orders, getting things cleaned up, etc. it’s just non-stop work work work, all for minimum wage. People will say it’s low skill work or whatever but isn’t it interesting that cashiers were essential workers during the pandemic? I was in the marines for a bit too and it’s not like the movies where it’s constant go go go, after boot camp some jobs are basically desk jobs working 9-5, even infantry guys are playing video games in the barracks when they’re not in the field. And at least people respect the fact you serve.

    Personally I’d rather do another 4 years on active duty than be a cashier in fast food again.

  2. I have never worked in retail, but the thing to remember is that, if anyone is anything other than totally delighted with you, that is about them, and their shitty life, so feel sorry for them rather than taking it personally.

  3. You don’t need to be a people person. It’s not a sales job you’re just the person at the point of service. Even being a waiter takes some amount of social skill, but as long as you can say “what would you like?” And type on a computer you’re fine. Although, even something as Simone as ordering a burger can be overwhelming for someone with social anxiety so if you’re still working on getting your SA under control you might want to think twice, just be side you do have to interact enough to do the job but you’ll have a script to rely on as well. As far as doing the job well, one of the best things you can do that will make employers love you even if you aren’t the best at your job is that you have perfect attendance. That means always showing up on time and not calling out.

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