My (18f) boyfriend (m19) is more of a physically affectionate person and doesn’t say anything sweet to me so when we’re texting I feel like he doesn’t like me or is annoyed at me because he doesn’t send heart emojis (very rarely if I send one he will send one back). He’s just really dry on text for example if I say “Goodnight hun❤️” he will just reply with a “Goodnight” and it makes me upset and annoyed

  1. I feel like this is a situation that would benefit from the two of you sitting down and having a conversation about how y’all show affection and would like to receive affection. This should be a conversation where both of y’all are able to talk and express yourselves. Yes, you should have an opportunity to express yourself, but he should have time to speak and be vulnerable as well.

    A big part of what makes relationships work is when you’re able to sit down and have conversations like adults, rather than waiting until a boiling point where everything blows up.

  2. You’re nitpicking buuuuut if you wish for your partner to do something you have to talk to him about it first.

    We can’t feel some kind of way because of our partner not doing anything we haven’t asked for. That’s a bit unfair.

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