What should vulnerable, lonely men look out for?

  1. Well, when you’re vulnerable you have to watch out for people that want to take advantage of that vulnerability.

  2. Succumbing to OnlyFans or other women who pretend to be your “online girlfriend” while bleeding you dry

  3. Gangs or online conspiracy groups.

    Those are the kind of men who they need to make up the ranks.

  4. People who will take advantage of your loneliness.

    Women who will look to use you for your money. “Gurus “who sell false hope, other groups that seek to keep you down

  5. right now the current scam alert in r/NoVa is pretty girls trying to get guys phones numbers for some reason.

  6. Women online who try to sell you intimacy or sex

    Men online who try to sell you a strong, masculine mindset

    Also look out for your vehicles fluids. Find out the recommended service intervals and get the fluids changed when necessary.

  7. Look out for playing the victim… life gets hard and men don’t really seek out sympathy or help but try your best to get out of your rut and improve your life

  8. Self-improvement content creators like Hamza, Andrew Tate etc… while some of their advice is applicable and good, take everything they say with a grain of salt, don’t take it literally, don’t follow everything they say, have your own opinion and direction and don’t fall for their Hustle University scams or whatever else.

  9. The number 1 risk for vulnerable people is scammers. They come in many forms. There can be the obvious kind that trick their way into your home posing as utility people. Always ask for security, and phone the office if needed.

    Then there comes the romantic scammers and these are far more insidious. They will build you up and try to seperate you from family, when suddenly they will ask for money.

    Also vulnerable can refer to people with special needs and if that is the case, then I would recommend reaching out to various groups who will have social gatherings.

    The other thing to do would be to join a local club and try and build up natural friendships and see if that helps. Loneliness is massively underestimated for how it can make people more vulnerable.

  10. Believing their own thoughts. a) They will see other men as a threat and positivity as something that is on the outside and not for them. b) They will seek company from women mostly which will never work out because its plain hornyness and has nothing to do with the underlying issue.

  11. Women who see this and exploit it. And men who will do the same, especially male bosses. In my experience, they know the most vulnerable are the most exploitable

  12. As a lonely man myself I find that you quickly just start assuming that any woman who acts even remotely interested in you is probably after something. In fact, most of my activity on dating apps is spent determining whether this year’s match is a real, live woman or a scammer (hint: they’re nearly always scammers).

  13. 1.Bad friendships, just because you have been friends for years it doesn’t mean some people respect and value you they just tolerate you.Observe behaviours of others around and you know we all make mistakes but don’t allow your friends/ Partners to consistently violates your boundaries with no consequences.
    2.Walk away from situations that require you to abandon yourself to belong.

  14. Narcissistic female predators are on the lookout for these types of men.

    They will use their sexuality and companion to take advantage of them and “milk” their resources.

    Guys, always keep that in the back of your head and be cognizant.

  15. Women, especially women that say “I am not like other women” if you hear that RUN!!

  16. Ignoring red flags in a woman because she may be one of the few who will come around.

  17. If you meet someone and it feels like you “belong together” do NOT let her move in! Ignore any “ I have to move- I have no place to go- I am desperate for even a room to stay in- or anything if the sort.
    I know a man that was in your position and he fell for this and ended losing more than 1/2 of everything he had.
    Date-absolutely- cohabitate within a year…. NOPE!!!!
    Good luck!

  18. Women that prey on those men and having them spend their last dime on them.

    If you have to wine and dine her every time just for you to hangout, call that one quits buddy. Save your time.

    Edit: prey not pray 🤦‍♂️

  19. That impulse in your mind that allows you to ignore red flags because you can’t admit to yourself how desperate you are for whatever you’re looking for.

  20. Falling for women who have zero interest in you. It can lead to some trash situations. Always be self aware kings.

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